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(Upcoming) He Told Him The Good News About Jesus / Acts 8:26-40


Acts 8:26-40

Key Verse: 8:35, “Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the good news about Jesus.”

  1.  To where is Philip sent next (26), and how does he respond (27a)? Who is there, how is he described (27b), and what is he doing (28)? What can we learn from this?

  2.  What happens next (29)? What does Philip do and say (30)? How does the man respond (31)? What lessons can we learn in these verses about sharing the gospel?

  3.  What Scripture passage is mentioned (32–33)? What does the eunuch ask (34), and how could he personally relate to the person Isaiah describes? Read verse 35. In this context, what is “the good news about Jesus”? What can we learn from Philip here?

  4.  What else happens (36–38)? Why do you think the eunuch wants to be baptized? Why does Philip baptize him, and why is this one person’s conversion so important?

  5.  What happens next (39), and what is the significance that the eunuch is rejoicing? How else is Philip’s ministry described (40)?

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