Venezuela mission report

  • by WMD
  • May 13, 2011
  • 956 reads

Venezuela UBF had some special activities recently.

1. Baptism (April 16th): We had baptism ceremony. 8 new disciples were baptized with water and experienced God’s grace who saved him. We were very joyful to recieve new members of God´s family.

2. Holy Communion (April 17th) : During the Sunday Worship Service we had Holy Communion and remembered Jesus´ sacrifice and death. M. Juan Seo delivered a message about the spiritual meaning of the Holy Communion.

After the Sunday Worship Service we had 1Co. Chapter 15 memorizing competition. More than 5 teams competed and Shep. Gustavo Prato and Shep. Katiuska Prato memorized the chapter completely and won the first prize. They are senior shepherds and house church of our ministry and showed us a good example to the others.

3. Easter SWS (April 24th) : We had a special message about the resurrection of Jesus based on 1Co. Chapter 15 delivered by Shep. Maiker Gutierrez. He made decision to go to Panama as a missionary to support M. Juan Baek in Panama UBF. His message was powerful and we could see the hope on our resurrection. About 100 people assisted at the SWS and we shared together special food for the lunch. 

4. Missionary sending (May 1st): We had missionary sending ceremony for Shep Maiker Gutierrez. He shared his life testimony. When he was very young, his father abandoned him. And his mother was very strict. So he looked for girl´s love and had many girl friends. One day his friend talked him about the power of Jesus who calmed the storm. He could have faith in Jesus who could calm his mind. He went to a church and felt the peace of God. But he failed again for his lustful desire and abandoned his life of faith. Also he abandoned his study in the university. In 2003 he was invited to UBF Bible seminary and could restore his spiritual desire. He started to study the Bible with M. Juan Seo and continued it very faithfully. In the Summer Bible Conference of the year 2004 he shared his life testimony and could receive the forgiveness of Jesus. He could feel the great love of God and could forgive his father. After the conference he hugged his father for the first time then began his new life in Christ. He grew spiritually and was raised as a leader of the our ministry. He served a fellowship and was married with Shepherdess Maria Mercedes. His house church worked to pioneer the Caracas Pedagogical University. In the Latin America directors´ conference M. Juan Seo was asked by M. Juan Baek if any shepherd could come to Panama to support the ministry and work for LG Electronics. M. Juan Seo asked to Shep. Maiker if he wanted to go there. Shep. Maiker, after praying with his wife, accepted it. Then God opened the door for him to go to Panama. His name was changed to M. Josue Gutierrez. He decided to serve to M. Juan Baek as Joshua served to Moses. His wife Maria Mercedes and his daughter Victoria will join him in the last of May. I pray that God may bless their mission life.

May God bless UBF 50th anniversary in Korea. May God strengthen to Dr. John Jun and Dr. Samuel H. Lee.

In Christ,
Juan Seo
