Update of Dr. James Suh's health

  • by WMD
  • Mar 15, 2012
  • 765 reads

By God's grace Dr. James underwent his second round of chemotherapy well on March 5-10 and in order to prevent complications and to closely observe the condition of his body he is still in the hospital. His white blood cell rate is going down now since he underwent the second round of chemotherapy last week. Currently it is 3,000 now, it went down from 5,000 in a day.  He also is taking a bone marrow promoter in order to maintain the function of his bone marrow. Please pray that his white blood cell rate may quickly come back to normal.   In the same way his immunities may get better and he may quickly recover from cough and fever by treatment with antibiotics (he has fever caused by Pneumonia).

Currently his appetite is not good though he ate all of what was given him, he needs a good digestion to strengthen his body. He is receiving antibiotics because he has bronchitis symptoms, cough, sputum, and mild fever.

Prayer topics:

1. to maintain the function of his bone marrow and to protect him from all infection.
2. to maintain normal function of his liver, pancreas and gastrointestinal system
3. to eat well and have good disgestion
4. to be delivered from his bronchitis symptoms, cough, sputum, and mild fever.
5. to be completely healed
6. for Sh. Kyounghee Suh( his wife)'s health

We deeply thank God for the intercessory prayer and labor of love for him from the servants of God throughout the world.

In Christ, Ilki Hong