(GERMANY) Peter Y. Has Been Ordained as Assistant Pastor in Cologne UBF

During worship Service on September 1st, Peter Y. was ordained as assistant pastor in front of more than 100 participants. He will be working with pastor Eberhard G. His appointment was already approved at a general meeting with a large majority. Peter Y. is the son of the UBF missionaries Rebekka and the late Isaak Y. He has three siblings. He was very involved in the youth ministry and looked after newcomers. He completed a theology degree at the Free Theological University in Giessen and then received pastoral training at a nearby Free Church for about three years. During his studies, he met Annika, who, as the daughter of a missionary to a Chinese-speaking country for a long time, is fluent in Chinese and has the gift of listening to and serving young people well. Peter and Annika have two children, Nathan and Kaleb.

With the many new families being founded, the growing Cologne UBF made such a step necessary. It will be Peter's task to promote the spiritual growth of all church members towards the head of the church, Jesus Christ, in accordance with Ephesians 4:15; "Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church." Peter said that the Lord clearly called him to Cologne, where his roots and faith grew. When he said in German, "Es geht nicht um mich, sondern es geht um Gott und seine Gemeinde" (meaning, "It's not about me, it's about God and his church"), many people agreed. He will use his gifts to organize the worship service, to work with the district leaders, and to educate disciples of Jesus. He will also be able to take on pastoral duties. Eberhard G. was very happy about Peter's appointment. Even with the minor employment of church musician Noah K. last year, Cologne UBF was able to experience great blessings. With Peter Y., another talented member can now be given the opportunity to work full-time in God's work. Peter is very popular with young people. He has a big heart for welcoming people to the church and helping them follow Jesus.

The coordinator of UBF Germany and Europe, Reiner S., then blessed Peter Youk's appointment with God's word from Ephesians 4:11-16 and emphasized the importance of all church members as essential parts of the head of the church, Jesus Christ. The church council prayed with blessing hands for God's blessing on Peter and Annika. May God abundantly bless the collaboration of Eberhard G. and Peter Y. and help them to produce much fruit for the glory of God.