(HQ) Message from Pastor Ron on the Upcoming Founders Day Event

Greetings, brothers and sisters in Christ!

Praise and thank God for his mighty work on campuses throughout North America as we begin this new fall semester. We hear of many students here and there who are coming to Bible study, growing in faith, and testifying to Jesus' grace. May God bless our UBF ministries one by one as we pray to raise spiritual leaders for the world. Personally, my wife Dervilla and I look forward to worshiping with the DuPage UBF ministry tomorrow, where I will share the Sunday message.

As we in HQ are praying for this new fall semester, we are also preparing for Founders Day 2024, which will be held October 4 in Chicago and also broadcast live. This year's theme is "Raising Ph.D. Shepherds through House Churches." I believe it will be a great celebration that edifies our souls and helps renew our spirits and prayer for raising 1,000 Ph.D. Shepherds, according to the prayer topic of our founder, the late Dr. Samuel Lee. Dr. Paul Koh, who has been the steward of Founders Day celebrations for many years, wrote a short statement of meaning and purpose. With his permission, I have attached it for you to read. I believe it will both inform and inspire you. As you carry out gospel ministry in this new semester, please remember to pray for and participate in the Founders Day celebration. We especially pray that many young people see a new vision for North America and the world. Please encourage them to participate.

Thanks be to God for your faithful prayers! May the grace, mercy, and peace of Christ be with you.

In Christ, P. Ron Ward


News and Prayer Topics from the UBF General Director

 “Raising PH.D. Shepherds Through House Churches"

Founders Day 2024

We are planning to celebrate Founders Day in Chicago on October 4th at 6:30 p.m. The title of this year’s program is “Raising Ph.D. Shepherds through House Churches.” The late Dr. Samuel Lee gave a prayer topic to raise 1,000 Ph.D. shepherds. I still remember how he asked some to wear their Ph.D. gowns and appear with him on the platform on special occasions; it was to encourage us to pray. As time passes, we see the deep spiritual significance of this prayer topic. So far, we have identified 74 Ph.D. shepherds in North America and many more around the world. Please pray for Founders Day 2024 and join in person or online.

The program will be:
Video Presentation: Representative Ph.D. Shepherds
Testimonies: Joshua C. Jr. (Louisville), Ezra P. (Tokyo), Henry K. (Toronto), Helen R. (Chicago)
Keynote Address: Ron Ward (Acts 18:18-28)

“Su Amor Sin Fin"

Latin America United Conference 2025

2025 marks the 50th year of UBF ministry in Latin America. It began through Dr. Jose A.’s lonely spiritual struggle in Guatemala to raise a few disciples of Jesus while serving in the Korean Embassy. Today, robust UBF ministries exist in Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. To celebrate 50 years of God’s work through UBF, all Latin American chapters will join for a united conference April 17-20, 2025, in Oaxtepec, Mexico. The conference title is “Su Amor Sin Fin” from John 13:1, “Jesus Loved them to the End.” There are many challenges in preparing such a united conference. Let’s pray for M. Isaac P., who oversees the preparation, and for all coworkers serving together.
Their prayer topics are:

  1. To glorify God through the 50th anniversary of the Latin American mission and receive a vision and direction for the next 50 years.
  2. To deeply embrace the endless love of Jesus and love their brothers and sisters.
  3. For messengers to prepare with all their hearts.
  4. To have over 650 attendants.

May The Gospel Be Preached in Utah

Missionaries Luke and Teresa H. have served the Lord for many years in Korea, and as missionaries in England and most recently in Boston. Unexpectedly, M. Luke’s research work is shifting to the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. He and Teresa have received this as God’s calling to serve young people in Utah. So they are moving to Utah, entrusting their growing disciples in Boston to beloved coworkers there. Last Sunday, M. Luke shared a farewell message in Boston based on John 15: “Remain in Me.” Let’s pray for God’s blessing on their new lives in Utah and for their ministry to students.