Brazil Summer Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Mar 22, 2012
  • 1032 reads

Jesus, the Light of the World!

Hi everyone! We thank God and give him all glory and praise because he heard our prayers and blessed our conference abundantly with his word. We felt the Holy Spirit who worked in our hearts! Our conference was held on February 24-26. Brothers Reinaldo, Felipe Murakami, Sisters Stephanie Rika, and Eliane participated in our conference.

The opening message was delivered by Missionary Omar Reyes López with the title, “Let there be Light” (Gen 1:1-5). His message opened our hearts to receive Jesus, the Light of the World. God invited us through his words: Let there be light! Receive the light I give you, Jesus Christ my beloved Son. Let him be the Light of your life!  After the opening message, we had a group Bible study on the first lesson, John 9:1-41. After dinner, 2nd Gen Missionary Joan Kim delivered the message with the title, “Jesus, the Light of the World”. She talked about the fatalism that reigns in the world. But we heard Jesus’ words: “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life”. His word was a light in our hearts! Afterward, Brothers Noah Jeong, Sam Jeong, and Sister Sara Kim shared their testimonies on the lecture. We saw their spiritual struggle and new direction that they received through the word. Then there were two dance performances: São Paulo University team and Consolacao team. Their dances were joyful and spirit-filled.

The second day began with a group Bible study on Matthew 27:27-66 followed by a graceful message with the title, “Jesus was Crucified for Us" by a 2nd Gen Missionary Isaac Kim, from Consolacao UBF. The message showed the great love of Jesus on the cross and transforming power of his love. The message was so powerful that it brought a new spirit to the conference. It was full of young spirit and pure desire to know Jesus who was crucified for us. Right after the message just before lunch, we started to write our testimonies. Then after lunch we had more time to complete them and to share them.

In the evening we heard the message on Mark 16, "The Resurrection and Great Commission of Jesus Christ" delivered by a 2nd Gen Missionary Joshua Park from USP. He was humorous and full of spirit and resurrection faith. We heard Jesus’ calling and learned about the transforming power of God to obey the Great Commission. In 2012, we’ll see new things happen in our ministry. Amen!

After the message, we heard the testimonies of Brother Peter Park, Reinaldo, Felipe, and Eliane. A 2nd Gen Missionary Peter showed a pure and active spirit to serve God in his college life. Brothers Reinaldo, Felipe, and Eliane have now more desire to know God. A 2nd Gen Missionary Joo Wang Kim from Ecuador shared his life testimony.  Following his parents, he left his life in Brazil, especially his friends, and went to Ecuador. He didn’t understand why he had to live in Ecuador. But through coming to Brazil, studying the Bible and being served by the missionaries with love and prayer, he received a new direction through Genesis 12:2: “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing”.

In the evening, we watched a heart-moving drama which depicted the love of a good shepherd toward suffering young people. We finished the evening with a camp fire. We sang and prayed for world mission.

On the third and last day, we studied about Jesus’ second coming. The Bible study was very interesting and we learned many things about the signs of the end times. The message was delivered by 2nd. Gen Missionary Moses Park. The message woke us up because it taught us that the second coming of Jesus is near! We must be prepared. We must repent of our sins and be washed in the blood of the Lamb. We must be God’s faithful servants who watch and serve the task of preaching the gospel to all nations. The message gave us new spirit to fight against sin and serve the Lord this year.

The closing message was delivered by Missionary Nathan. The message was from Daniel 12:1-4, with the title, “The Life like a Star”. As the passage says, let us be those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. Amen!

We thank God for using the second generation missionaries as messengers and testimony sharers. We also thank God for raising Missionaries Nathan and Omar to serve Brazil UBF ministry. Above all, we thank God for Jesus, the Light of the World!

Reported by 2nd Gen Missionary Moses Park
