Belize New Bible Center Dedication-Progress Report on Silver Missionary Life

  • by WMD
  • May 22, 2011
  • 778 reads


Matthew 16:18 "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."

Four years ago M. Moses Chang from Washington UBF came to Belize after retiring from his campus job ( He changed tires for new mission run). Belize city is a small sea port town in Belize country like the sea of Galilee. He began his mission life as a silver missionary renting a small apartment looking over the Atlantic Ocean from his room like Apostle Paul in Rome. Without M. Sarah Chang he was lonely and had homesick sometimes. But he found several students who had 1 to 1 with him and endured hardship as a silver missionary. Two years later, M. Sarah retired from her nursing job and joined him in Belize mission because she saw the work of the Holy Spirit in Belize when she visited the city.

On May 15, 2011 they had historical Belize New Center Dedication Service based on the message titled "On this rock I will build my church." (Matt 16:18) They invited me to deliver the dedication message and the message is attached. God blessed my visit and I was so happy to see their humble silver mission life.  Total 12 people attended the dedication worship service. Jesus had vision to build his future church based on Peter's confession of faith. Jesus changed ordinary sand-like Simon to become rock-solid Peter and used him to build the first Jerusalem church in Acts 2. God changed M. Moses and Sarah to become rock of Jesus for Belize ministry. God granted 16 sheep when they confessed Jesus as their Lord and King and gave their lives to Jesus. They love Jesus as their bridegroom expecting to join the wedding supper of the Lamb as his bride in some glorious day.

The New Belize Bible Center has three bed rooms and specious worship hall and study room in the first floor house. The cost of renting is $350 US dollars. M. Moses is able to cover all living expenses for mission with his social security income. He is a self-supporting tent-maker missionary working full-time for the Belize mission. M. Sarah is able to cover all travel expenses and any other cost they need to spend. As God's people, serving the Lord full-time is our dream.
Their lifelong dream came true because they are serving the Lord full-time when they retired and doing the world mission again. Serving sheep full-time without worrying about money and other things. They eat very humbly with Belize foods. I liked sweet potatoes and corns and Bananas. 10 oranges cost 1 dollar and sugar is so cheap. They exercise walking along the seashore daily 5 minutes away from the center.

What a beautiful mission life they have! Their 1 to 1 students are poor and humble but they are learning from 1 to 1 studies. Giovani, a business major at U. of Belize, came to the center every day during lunch time while I was there and he played ping pong with M. Moses. Kimisha, Rufus (professor at UB), and Kellie, and Emmanuel, and Sylvia, and Gary are growing through 1:1 studies. M. Moses and Sarah invite you and offer free rooms when you needs a quite time for Bible reading and prayer and also when you have a honeymoon.

Please pray for Belize center

1. M. Moses to deliver a powerful Sunday Message and M. Sarah to fee sheep with mother's heart
2. Raise up 1 Abraham and Sarah of faith among 16 sheep
3. Make a prayer vessel to raise up disciples for Belize
4. Pray for Belize to become a kingdom of priests and a holy nation
5. Names of sheep: Alex, Rufus, Abimbola, Sylvia, Kellie, Kimisha, Emmanuel, Dillon, Giovani,Michelle, Maurice, Dean, Faviola, Evelyn, Eladio,Regina, Nadia

In Christ,
Jacob Lee
