Korea UBF 25th Annual Members Meeting Report

  • by WMD
  • Feb 07, 2011
  • 1096 reads

On Jan31th,2011, Korea UBF held 25th annual members meeting at Late Dr. Lee memorial hall at the first floor of UBF Korea head quarter. The part1 meeting began with worship service presided by Sh. Moses Lee, and Sh. Lee Byoung-do and Sh. Joshua Lee served as prayer servants for world mission and for Korea campus mission.

Sh. Samuel H Lee gave a message titled "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus” based on (Ph2:5). Through the message we could have briefly looked back on what God has done among Korea UBF ministry last year and thanked to God for He has done great things among all UBF Korea campus pioneering work :

(1)God raised 4 staff shepherds to pioneer new campuses. (2)And He sent 56 missionaries to 54 region of mission fields. (3)God sent Msn. David Baek to pioneer Cambodia last year (4)and 48 second Gen Missionaries came to Korea to be trained and renewed their clear identity as second Gen missionaries. (5) 264 msn from 101 region were sent back to their mission fields after having recharged in Spiritually or receiving medical treatment in physically. (6) We directly provided provisions to North Korean people 6times as a relief. (7) we supported to Bethesda hospital construction work in Uganda. We thank God for his grace that letting us steadily to prepare for the preparation of UBF 50th anniversary in 2011. In the message Sh. Samuel described the meaning of Jubilee as we face of coming of UBF 50th anniversary in 2011.

He also directed us that through the 50th anniversary we should renew our clear identity as members of UBF ministry keeping in mind the legacy of faith God has given us and succeeding and developing of it.

He also said year 2011 is important year for us because we will erect new director of Korea UBF and new leaders group who will lead next generation in this year. In order to bear of this we should learn about Jesus who gave up himself as the Son of God, made himself nothing and humbled himself taking the very nature of a servant , so that our community be matured and be like new wine skin.

After the message we prayed earnestly two by two according to the prayer topics and for the preparation of UBF50th anniversary as well.

The part2 meeting progress was presided by Sh. Samuel H Lee, and Sh. Samuel Choi served prayer for the part2 meeting and there also was a UBF members swearing ceremony.

After then there were each department's annual reports including financial settlement, budget and audit. We thank God for enabling us to financial surplus even in the midst of economy recession.

According to the recommendation of executive selection committee all of the board members were re elected. Their names are as follow : Lee Hyun-Jung, Lee Nak-Seung, Kim Gil-Soo, Lee Ok-Gi, Ahn Oh-Soon, Choi Sun-Woong, Park Hyoung-Sil, Lee Hak-Hee, Jung Eun-Whan, Suh Jin-Tae, Lee Byoung-Do, David Lee and Luke Lee. As for a committee of inspection Park Woo-Gwan reelected.

At the end we finished the meeting with united prayer for the preparation of UBF50th anniversary and for upcoming Latin directors conference along with the messengers Dr John Jun, Sh. Moses Kim and Msn. Timothy Lee.

Joseph Lee
