Kwanak III and V Joint Bible Café Report (SNU, Korea)

  • by WMD
  • Feb 21, 2011
  • 1506 reads

On January 20 and 27, Kwanak III and V UBF held a joint Bible café at Seoul National University in Korea. The first café was organized by Kwanak III with the title, “Jesus who has the mighty power to transform people,” based on John 2. The second café was organized by Kwanak V with the title, “God’s great love,” from Luke 15. God blessed this Bible café abundantly with many new students, 14 from Kwanak V (first day-5, second day-9) and 23 from Kwanak III (first day) in spite of the most severe cold weather ever.

Many SNU students were coming and going to the campus since Seoul National University held various programs of its own while most Korean colleges were not in session. There also held two 7-day programs for the freshmen in January. For this reason, we held a Bible café on Jan. 20 and 27.

Our co-workers with their shepherd hearts were busy going to and from the campus to invite students to the Bible café.  This time God gave us his wisdom. We used the lunch time to invite freshmen to the Bible café smoothly and served them with God’s words and duo-dramas. We explained our experienced campus lives simply and to the point and had fellowship over a delicious lunch. Some of the students we met we had met before on the campus, and most students who came were invited during lunchtime from the campus on the day of the Bible cafe.

We thank God for the café because it was the great work of God for new students to hear the word of God before starting their classes in the strong anti-Christian atmosphere on campus. We are praying together for them by name one by one at our leaders’ meeting every week. We pray that God may continue to bless each of them to have a good relationship with us in Jesus and begin 1:1 Bible studies with us right after beginning their classes.

Geum Chul
