M. Luke Hong's testimony, Canada

  • by WMD
  • Sep 13, 2011
  • 1103 reads

Farewell testimony

Therefore, my son, be strong in the grace

2 Timothy 2:1 “You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.”

This verse is my life key verse, “You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” Dr. Samuel Lee gave me this verse when I was spiteful about others and sorrowful about myself. I was vulnerable to Satan’s attack—I could have turned out to be an enemy of God anytime. In the fall of 1987, I was sitting in the half-basement apartment where I had common living with some young missionaries (Joshua WH Yoon, Young Yi) in Chicago. I was brooding over my situation and was distressed and angry. Then, the door opened and Dr. Lee walked in wearing his US army fatigues. He read 2 Timothy 2:1 and prayed for me. I did not understand what this verse meant at that time. Somehow, this verse seemed to be seared on my heart. This verse resounded in my head again and again for the following two years. All my testimonies somehow ended with 2 Timothy 2:1, regardless of the passage we studied. I was self-righteous and judgmental toward others. But when I was touched by the grace of Jesus, I remembered God’s grace that called me out of meaningless life into honourable and glorious life of mission to care for the Canadian campus students. I no longer could be self-righteous. God gave me inner strength to serve God with renewed faith and vision. Then, I could be strong enough to serve God as a pioneering missionary to Montreal as well as the director of the Canadian UBF.

God has been so gracious to me and to God’s people in Canada for the past 20 years. Twenty years ago, we were just three chapters; now, the Canadian UBF ministry grew to be 22 chapters across Canada in God’s providence. So far, about 10 Canadian shepherds’ families have been established. This year, the first second gen mission family was established and many second gens and Canadian disciples are growing in each chapter. The Canadian UBF has tremendous potentials to grow, to be a shepherd nation, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.

During this summer, before and after Paul Lee Jr.’s wedding, I went around the province of Ontario and visited 13 UBF chapters. God’s work is still going on; yet, I felt many of our coworkers were worn out and weak. This is not the time to despair or give up. This is the time for us to be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. This is the time for us to come back to the basics—restore the grace of forgiveness of our Lord Jesus and love God’s flock. We may not have riches of the world; we may not have worldly power; yet, we may always dwell in the grace of our Lord Jesus and be strong in it. Then, we will have enough inner strength to serve the Lord and love God’s flock sacrificially. I thank God from the bottom of heart for all of you, for all the Canadian UBF coworkers, who have humbly supported and coworked with me for the past 20 years, in spite of my shortcomings and mistakes.

Now, Dr. Henry Kim will take the responsibility to serve the Canadian UBF as the new director. He has exceptional qualities as a spiritual leader—most of all he has a great shepherd’s heart for God’s flock. Surely, God will use him greatly for the good of God’s work in Canada. Yet, he needs much of our support. I and all the Canadian directors are fully behind him and willing to support him any way possible. May the Holy Spirit empower Dr. Henry Kim to carry out the Canadian campuses pioneering work. May the Lord bless Canada to be a kingdom of priests.

May God bless you.

Luke H. Canada