Africa Directors' New Year Conference

  • by WMD
  • Jan 24, 2013
  • 912 reads


January 24, 2013


“I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God's grace given me through the working of his power.” (Ephesians 3:7)

God fruitfully blessed the African campus ministry last year. God raised African leaders as excellent messengers through the African Regional Conferences last year. We saw the vision that they would be powerful witnesses of Christ for Africa and the world. God enabled us to pioneer four new chapters: two chapters in Nigeria, Juba chapter in South Sudan, and Ghana UBF during the last year. Nigeria’s two new chapters and Juba chapter in South Sudan have been pioneered by African native shepherds. God also blessed us to establish two house churches in South Sudan and Kenya last year. God richly blessed the last African New Year Conference in Tanzania, which was held from January 4 through 6, 2013. About 40 missionaries and shepherds from eleven African nations, USA, and Korea attended the conference.

First, God blessed us through listening to powerful messages. Dr. Abraham Kim delivered a powerful message, entitled, “A Servant of the Mystery of Christ,” based on Ephesians chapter 3. We learned that we became servants of the gospel by God’s grace and power. We saw the vision to establish churches in 55 African nations through his message. Missionary Daniel Rhee from Pretoria, South Africa delivered a graceful message, entitled, “What Ezra Devoted Himself To” based on Ezra chapter 7. We learned that we must devote ourselves to the study and observance of the Word of God, and to teaching it more and more in the New Year. Missionary Isaac Kim, who is the International Headquarters’ representative for Africa, delivered the touching opening address, “A Freshly Plucked Olive Leaf” based on Genesis 8:11. We learned that we must have the vision of the harvest in the African continent despite many difficulties in the New Year. On the second day, all attendants wrote and shared their testimonies. In the testimony session, we made new decisions to faithfully live as servants of Christ in our mission fields in the New Year.

Second, God blessed us through listening to the high level special lectures. Shepherd Elisha Kim from Namsan chapter, Korea gave us the special lecture, “The Biblical World View and Discipleship Training.” In his lecture, we thought about how we can overcome the world’s cultures and change the world by the gospel. Missionary Samuel H. Lee from Zimbabwe gave us the second special lecture, “The Doctrine of the Church.” In his lecture, we learned that we must continually establish churches in Africa and then help them to mature. The lectures touched us to have a fresh zeal for learning.

Third, eight African directors and leaders attended and received the Word of God. Dr. Oyor Moses was worried about his country, South Sudan, and his people, for they are very lazy and corrupt. But through studying the passage, he learned that instead of worrying, he must pray and continually preach the gospel, for the gospel has the power to save people. Shepherd John Sejemba from Uganda used to complain about the sheep who do not keep appointments for Bible study. But through the message he learned that he lacked the love of God. He prays to learn the deep love of God, so he could bear students with many thanks and pray for them as a faithful and patient shepherd. Missionary Isaac Kim and shepherd Moses Yoon led the group Bible study and the testimony sharing time for them. Shepherd Moses Yoon served as a language translator for the African leaders during the conference.

Fourth, God blessed us to have the conference in a beautiful environment. Missionary Timothy and Hannah Jung in Tanzania struggled to prepare the conference despite many difficulties. Due to their labor, we were able to enjoy the conference at a beautiful beach. Missionary Joshua Suh from Pretoria came to Tanzania beforehand and worked till midnight during the conference. Missionary Daniel Rhee assisted to prepare the conference program as the Korean Headquarters’ representative for Africa. We welcomed the new missionaries: Ezra Jung from the Tanzanian ministry and Dr. Livingstone Kang from the Ugandan ministry. Our prayer topic is that God may raise many servants of Christ and excellent Bible teachers among the African students to pioneer 55 countries in Africa! Amen!

By A.
