A Wedding Ceremony between Jonathan & Frida in Indonesia

  • by WMD
  • Jan 28, 2013
  • 1191 reads

Indonesia UBF

January 28, 2013

At 3:00 p.m. on Jan. 26, 2013 M. Jonathan who was sent out as a missionary from the Chicago UBF Center to Depok, Indonesia got married to a woman of faith, Shs. Frida, by the grace and the providence of God. There were more than 100 wedding guests. 

After the entrance of the bride and groom, a beautiful song of blessing by Depok Center co-workers resonated in the center. Then M. Jose Paul Ahn, UBF International World Mission Department Chair, officiated over the wedding, delivering his wedding address based on 1 Sam. 7:12, “Ebenezer, Thus Far the Lord has Helped Us.” In his message, Dr. Jose Ahn said that God had chosen them and had prepared their wedding even from the beginning of the world leading them step by step according to God’s great providence.

After declaring their marriage vows and the wedding proclamation, five missionaries from five local chapters in Indonesia laid hands on them and prayed for them. In their prayers they blessed the new couple to be used very preciously for world mission and to be a fruitful house church, which can bear many souls and raise them as God’s holy servants, both physical and spiritual descendants.

Please pray for them to be blessed as an exemplary house church being used by God as a kernel of wheat for world mission.

By Moses Lim, Depok, Indonesia
