Jakarta UBF News

  • by WMD
  • Oct 24, 2013
  • 1256 reads

Jakarta UBF, Indonesia
October 24, 2013

We thank God for blessing our Jakarta UBF campus ministry of seven campuses: Ukrida, Untar, Trisakti, Esaunggul, Atma, IKJ, and IPB. In particular, we are grateful that God helped us to hold a welcoming reception party, Korean Club, Korean Dancing Program, Movie Nights, and field trips to receive new students. On September 16, Esaunggul invited us to perform a Korean Dance during the Freshmen Orientation. We have performed the Korean traditional Mask Dance that was presented by 16 dancers (shepherd and the sheep) in front of 1,500 people such as students and lecturers and the Minister of Education. The dances were spirit-filled motions of hands as if the dancers were rowing. Especially shepherd Carolus’ solo part of the dance was filled with energy and cool. Our dancing time was a training moment of practicing in one mind, colliding against each other at times, yet laughing and sweating together. This was a good opportunity to invite new students of other religion. On September 27, we held a welcoming party for new students to invite new students that we have met during their college entrance exam period in each campus. Through this event, the Lord has sent 19 new sheep to us and, out of 19 new sheep, seven students to come and join our Sunday worship service.

The national religion of Indonesia is not Islam. However, 85 % of the Indonesians are Muslim among the entire population 250 million. It seems very easy to enjoy the freedom of religion provided by the mask of Pancasila (constitution in Indonesia) and the Democratic Guide. However, we cannot openly evangelize people from other religions, which leave only Christians whom we could invite to Bible study. We find it increasingly hard to meet new faces, and raising one soul as a disciple is growing more difficult due to their stony hearts. However, in the midst of all this, God gave us, house churches and shepherds, as well as courage and wisdom to receive new sheep and serve them. We praise God who unfurls ministry and salvation of new souls. In addition, we pray fervently to serve campus mission with an enthusiastic heart.

Prayer topics:
1. Seven campuses: Ukrida, Untar, Trisakti, Esa Unggul, Atma, IKJ, IPB
2. Sunday Message (M. Peter Kim, Sh. Hengky, Sh. Carolus)
3. One Abraham and one Mary to be raised in each campus
4. M. William Kim's family: God may grant good health to M. Marie Kim through surgery.
5. One house church and shepherd vows of three students this year.

By Peter Kim
