Makerere & Kyambogo UBF Held a United Christmas Worship Service

  • by WMD
  • Dec 18, 2013
  • 1011 reads

Makerere & Kyambogo UBF, Uganda
December 18, 2013

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

I. Worship Service

This year’s Christmas worship service was hosted by Kyambogo UBF. Dr. Samuel Yoo and Missionary Mary Yoo generously offered their rented house for our Christmas worship service 2013. It so happened that their house has a big yard that was just right for a worship service and everything was well arranged. Around one hundred chairs were rented under the tent; yet, more than 120 people attended. And although it is the rainy season, God gave us mild and sunny weather.

The praise and worship were led by Kyambogo brothers and sisters and shepherdess Sarah served as a presider. It was good to see both senior faithful members and new faces of Kyambogo UBF. The message was delivered by Shep. Patrick Ogwang of Makerere UBF based on John 3:16. He explained God’s great love for mankind. Out of all God’s creatures, only mankind was created in his own image and in his likeness. Even an ordinary father loves his children who resemble him, then how much more God loves us as his own sons and daughters! Secondly, Jesus is God Incarnate (John1:1, 14) who came to this world in order to save us from sin. God did not spare his one and only Son but graciously gave Him up for us. Thus, we know God’s great love for us. Thirdly, God gave us His promise that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. There is no one who will perish if they believe in Jesus. Everyone paid attention to the message because the words he spoke were true and sincere. We thank God for using Shep. Patrick as the Christmas messenger for this year.

II. Christmas Celebration

Around three weeks before Christmas worship service, Dr. Luke Lim gave a direction to each fellowship to prepare one Christmas program to celebrate the birth of the Baby Jesus. Our missionaries wondered how it would come about. Makerere UBF has five fellowships with fellowship leaders. The students from each fellowship prepared independently a music program, a dance or a skit. In each performance, we were amazed by their sense of art and creativity. They all have such great hidden potential, creativity and abilities. As a Bible teacher and shepherd for Ugandan students, I should realize it and respect them so that they may be raised as future leaders for Africa and for the world. We need to pray for the future of Africa with God’s great vision and hope.

Their programs were as follows:

1. CBF choir and dance
2. Bible memorization by Ssebbale ‘s children: Jeremy and Natalie
3. Royal Priests fellowship: Three wise men came to worship Baby Jesus.
4. Jaireh fellowship: Two Christmas carols.
5. Spirit fellowship: A skit on why Jesus had to come.
6. Ebenezer fellowship: Worship dance
7. Livingstone fellowship: Skit: Bethlehem in Jesus’ time & Kampala Uganda in 2013.
8. KYAMBOGO UBF; Christmas Cantata by Kyambogo Choir followed by lunch.

By Dr. Luke Hyunsuk Lim
