God Richly Blessed Kotte UBF First Easter Conf. "Young Man, Get Up!" with Living Words & Repentance on March 30-31, SRI LANKA

  • by WMD
  • May 04, 2018
  • 771 reads


Luke Jeon

Shalom! Dear Servants of the Lord!

We give all the glory to God for richly blessing Kotte UBF first Easter conference with living words and repentance through the Holy Spirit on March 30-31 at Kotte in Sri Lanka. By God’s grace 11 people attended including 6 Sri Lankan students in spite of many of Satan’s disturbances.

The conference started with graceful worship praise. The main lecture 1 “Jesus died for us according to the Scriptures" on 1 Cor 15 was given by M. Luke Jeon. Through the message he boldly testified about Jesus’s redemptive love on the cross for sinners like us though we don’t deserve it. It was followed by a graceful testimony of Sh. Pauline that God called her out of darkness into his wonderful light so that she may be a source of blessing like Ap. Paul for campus ministry in Sri Lanka based on ACTS 26:18.

After we watched the movie “Passion of Christ”. Through this we all deeply meditated on the cross of Jesus who was flogged, mocked and shed his holy blood for all our sins that made all attendees weep because of Jesus’s redemptive love. I thank God for Jesus’ redemptive love that came upon Sri Lankan brothers and sisters who were dying with their sins of idol worship and ignorance. Each of them were full of joy because they were forgiven by God after they burned off the papers on which they had written their sins.

The next day we first played a treasure hunt game. After that the main lecture 2 “Young man, I say to you, get up!” on Luke 7 was powerfully delivered by Sh. Pauline. Through the message we could listen to the voice of risen Jesus “Young man, get up", refreshing our resurrection faith and hope. She also testified to Jesus who granted her great victory over her English class exam through her earnest prayer since she had failed her English class exam a couple times at ACBT University in Sri Lanka. Her victorious life of faith became a good example for the attending students who have been going through the same problem. It was followed by graceful life testimonies from Zayani and Angeli.

We praise and thank God for the saving grace upon the sisters through faithful one to ones and Jesus’ redemptive love that gave them a great desire to be born again through the Holy Spirit. We pray that God may grow Markers team sisters as disciples of Jesus through John’s gospel study and 17 steps Bible study.

After Hemanttur and Zayantti shared their testimonies. We also pray that God may continue to bless Mark team brothers, Bishow and Hemattur to be saved through the gospel message. Once again we praise and thank God for richly blessing 1st Kotte UBF Easter conference in his great grace. We also thank you for your intermediate prayer support and encouragement for Kotte UBF.

Luke Jeon