Taipei UBF 2016 Mission Report

  • by WMD
  • Apr 06, 2017
  • 2260 reads

Key Verse in 2015, Genesis 17:5, “No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you a father of many nations.”

God lead us to expand our world vision and heart through Genesis 17:5. We not only serve Taiwanese students at the National Taiwan University (NTU) with the word of God, but also serve foreign students from different countries. Firstly, Raju, an Indian Postdoctoral Fellow, has shared common life with my house-church since last October. We learn to love and respect each other through the cross of Christ based on Ephesians 2:14. Raju was married on 24 November 24, 2016 in India. As I wanted to understand Indian culture and the incarnation of Christ, I visited India and blessed his wedding ceremony held at a local church. I prepared a five-minute marriage message about loving one another and Guru’s brother-in-law translated into the Telugu language. I deeply receive 1John 4:11,12 to continue to love our brothers in Christ because God first loved us. Raju and his wife will soon join our ministry.

In March Guru another Indian brother, came to Taiwan to work. Raju and our family helped him to adapt to a new life in Taiwan and enjoy Taiwanese food. He also loves our fellowship and always performs the drums for our Sunday Worship service. Guru received Matthew 6:33 and postponed his PhD Oral Defense for our summer conference in July. God moved Guru to prepare a graceful life testimony. God also blessed him with a free air ticket to India through his company and blessed him to graduate with a PhD degree. Now every other Sunday afternoons Guru goes fishing with me at the NTU Student Canteen. He is a precious co-worker for our ministry. We pray that Guru will be raised as a bible teacher for NTU campus.

Since October Gregory a young Taiwanese student disciple from Kaohsiung Chapter has joined our chapter because of his postgraduate study. He enjoys the grace of God’s word and our fellowship. And Gregory is also very energetic young man. So, we have sports fellowship with our brothers after the Sunday service. Even though our Indian brothers did not know how to play basketball Gregory patiently played with us. Now Gregory faithfully performs piano every Sunday and enriches our worship of God. We pray that Gregory can flee the evil desires of youth according to 2Timothy 2:22 and accept the biblical view of family.

Nicky has worked in Taipei as a postdoctoral fellow since February 2015. She is also a part-time lecturer at the National Ping Tung University of Science and Technology near Kaohsiung. Nicky travels a lot every week between Taipei and Kaosiung. From Monday to Friday she works in Taipei and attends our Group Bible study. Then she returns to Kaohsiung for Sunday Worship service every weekend. Despite her busy life Nicky has faithfully served our Bible conference. We pray for her to have world vision and serve one campus wandering spirit.

Since 2014 Jenny has participated as a music servant for our worship service faithfully. She now returned to Kaohsiung Chapter in July since she got a new job. We continue to pray that Jenny to serve one

bible student. Joshua, a Canadian Bible student from Humber UBF prepared a graceful testimony for the last Summer Bible Conference in 2015. His wife, Celina personally accepted Christ and has then worked as a Pastor’s assistant at a church in Taiwan since February. Joshua later attended the worship service at his wife’s church.

Missionary Mark has been working as a postdoctoral fellow since 2005. I strongly believe God’s sacrificial love in Romans 8:32 and continue to challenge myself to apply for a professor position by faith. Whether, I am successful or not I can be more than a conqueror through Christ Romans 8:37.

I. Sunday Worship Service and One-To-One Bible Ministry in 2016

We have studied The gospel of Matthew, Hebrews and John’s gospel this year. Through Hebrews study, we learned about Christ more deeper. Now we have four faithful Sunday Worship attendants along with Mark and Gloria. We pray for Mark’s powerful message and Gloria’s translation. Also, we invite students for one-to-one Bible study by fishing in front of the library door and also at the canteen. We pray that Guru and Raju can be one-to-one Bible teachers. We have about 12 one-to-one Bible students each week. Please pray for the sheep to personally receive Christ and attend Sunday worship service regularly.

These are our Bible students as follows:

Gloria: Hung-Yau Ye, Xuen Liang, Yi-Ling Hong, Chu-Ling Wang, Ne-Wan Chang, Shu-Hui, Nicky

Mark: Ge-Wei Chuang, Suk–Wei Fan, Ka-Yu Chi, Shopping Hsiao, Guru, Raju, Gregory

Gregory: Markus

Raju: Philip  

Bible Conferences in 2016

We held the New Year’s Bible conference on January 16-17. Joshua ran a hostel business for his father-in-law. We held our New Year Bible Conference at his hostel and studied the entire book of 2Timothy. We have learned to be good soldiers in Christ. We enjoyed playing a game of Chess about Revelation in the evening. Mark delivered a Sunday message from 2Timothy 4:2, “Preach the Word.”

Our Easter Bible conference was held March 26-27 at the church. Raju delivered the message on the cross titled, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke23:34a) Sister Jenny delivered an evening message entitled “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” from Mark 5:36. Finally, Mark delivered the resurrection message, “He has risen” from Matthew 28:6.

Shepherdess Greenie Wu along with several Hong Kong UBF co-workers joined our Summer Bible conference held on July 16-17. Greenie performed piano for our Summer Bible conference. Sister Hau-Sin Wu daughter of Shepherdess Barbara attended our conference twice because she has a vision to study at the National Taiwan University. Their prayers and attendance encouraged us to prepare a graceful conference. Jenny prepared the main lecture entitled, “Jesus came to call sinners from Mark 2:16. Nicky prepared an evening message on Mathew 8:29, “You are the Messiah.” Raju, Guru and Shepherdess Celina from Hong Kong shared their life testimonies. Finally, Missionary Mark delivered the closing message on Romans 12:1 titled, “A Living Sacrifice.” His message strengthened us newly to serve the ministry in Taipei.

II. Special trip to Mongolia in July and India in November

In July Missionary Mark attended the wedding ceremony of a Mongolian Shepherdess Sarnai. Sarnai studied in the central part of Taiwan in September 2013 and graduated with a Masters degree in 2015. She married by faith in July 2016. Shepherd Bayarmagnai Bayardalai showed warm hospitality to me and demonstrated how to dance with young shepherdesses at the evening wedding reception. In November I attended Raju’s wedding in Pangidigudem, India. Then I visited Guru’s family in Hyderabad. I lived in Guru’s home and had fellowship with his family members, his wife and his brothers. I understand their daily life and also the simple life in Jesus’ time.

III. Vision and Prayer Topics for coming 2017

We are like five small barley loaves and two fish in serving campus ministry. However, we are blessed to serve Australian, Canadian, Indian, Kenya, Korean, Mongolian, Taiwan and Vietnamese students at the NTU campus. At our campus there are also many false teachers who proclaim a false message about the second coming of Christ and promote gay marriage. Many students and even our Bible students are deceived by these false teachings. We pray that our church members and I grow to be approved workers in Christ who correctly handle the word of truth, as 2Timothy 2:15 says, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”

1. To raise an Abraham of faith at the NTU campus.

2. Missionary Mark Hui’s powerful Chinese Sunday message and Gloria’s English translation.

3. To raise Missionary Mark as a Professor Shepherd.

4. To pray for a self-supporting ministry.

5. To raise Guru, Raju and Gregory as excellent one-to-one bible teachers.

One Word: Be approved workers of Christ who correctly handles the word of truth. 

Mark Hui