2016 Singapore Clementi Chapter Mission Report

  • by WMD
  • Mar 28, 2017
  • 1061 reads

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before him endure the cross and scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Heb12:2)

1. CME missionary conference  

    Dr. John Jun and Missionary Sarah S Jun visited Singapore to serve CME programs from February 1st for one week. We studied Ephesians chapter 1 Spiritual blessings in Christ, chapter 2 to do good works and Galatians chapter 5 live by the Spirit.  Through these studies, we could remember spiritual blessings poured out by God and learn the secret of victory in daily life as missionaries renewing God's calling in our hearts.

2. Easter Bible Conference

    We had an Easter Bible conference from March 25th for three days and two nights. The first main lecture was titled  “Why have you forsaken me?” on Matthew 27:26-56, the second lecture, “He has risen” on Matthew 27:57-28:15, the third lecture, “Go and make disciples.”  on Matthew 28:16-20. We accepted Jesus's death and resurrection for us and his great commission for world salvation work once again. We also had a symposium on writing Biblical reflections. It was helpful for the sheep with difficulties in writing reflections to share the benefits of writing reflections and practical tips in actual writing. 

3. New Semester Bible Conference

    The new Semester Bible Conference was held from September 17 for two days and one night, based on the title, “You will be a blessing.” The first main lecture was, “You will be a blessing” on Genesis 11:27-12:9. The second lecture was, “Count the stars” from Genesis 15:1-21. Through this conference we held on to the hope of God who personally called Abram and raised him as a father of many nations. We tried to wrap up the study of Matthew's gospel through Challenge The Golden Bell Quiz based on the book of Matthew.

4. Sunday Messages 

    We studied the latter part of Matthew's gospel for the first half of 2016. Through this we learned what Jesus truly means to us more personally. For five weeks after this we studied the book of Ezra and learned how to restore our faith in the time of difficulty and hoped to rebuild the kingdom of God in the Singapore campuses. We are currently studying the book of Hebrews and are grateful to God for teaching us how to stand firm in faith and overcome the world. 

5. Out door fellowship

    We went to Macritchie reservoir park after the worship service on of November 17. We enjoyed trekking together and had a more intimate fellowship with our sheep.

6. Bible Students

Xiakang Guan and Wei Wenbo are computer science graduates. Linya a fourth year chemical engineering student, Angel a fourth year biomedical engineering student, Zhang Kun a mechanical engineering graduate, Yunwei a Ph. D student and Jonas Chen an NTU finance professor.

7. Prayer Topics for 2017  

For Sunday messages to work in and through us.

15 worship service attendants and 20 Bible study teams.

For the sheep to grow in spirit and may God raise one ancestor of faith.   

Andy A