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    I must Proclaim the Good News / Luke 4:31-44
    • by Kevin Albright
    • Apr 03, 2022
    • 2299 reads

    Key Verse: 43, “But he said, ‘I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that...

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    God Sent Me to Proclaim Freedom / Luke 4:14-30
    • by Jose Ahn
    • Mar 27, 2022
    • 2246 reads

    Key Verse: 4:18-19, “The Spirit of the Lord is on me,  because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.  He...

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    Jesus Defeats The Devil’s Temptations / Luke 4:1-13
    • by P. John Seo
    • Mar 20, 2022
    • 3310 reads

    Key Verse 4:1-2a, “Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty...

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    Jesus, God's Beloved Son / Luke 3:15-38
    • by Kevin Albright
    • Mar 13, 2022
    • 1883 reads

    John the Baptist preached a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. Humble people asked him what they must do. John gave them...

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    Prepare the Way for the Lord / Luke 3:1-20
    • by Ron Ward
    • Mar 06, 2022
    • 2277 reads

    These days we hear terrible news about the war in Ukraine. Last week a missionary shared images of the utter destruction the war is...

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    Prayer for Knowing God / Ephesians 1:15-23
    • by Augustine Suh
    • Feb 27, 2022
    • 4856 reads

    Key Verse: 17, “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom...

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    My Grace is Sufficient for You (Prayer in times of Trouble) / 2 Corinthians 12:1-10
    • by David Won
    • Feb 20, 2022
    • 5624 reads

    In today’s passage, we learn that Apostle Paul had a thorn in his flesh which tormented him day and night. But in this passage,...

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    Prayer that Pleases God / Jonah 2:1-10
    • by Tim McEathron
    • Feb 13, 2022
    • 2907 reads

    Last year, I struggled to really hear God’s voice and leading in the many, many decisions that had to be made during COVID. I...

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    Lord in Our Own Time Revive It / Habakkuk 1:1-6
    • by John Seo
    • Feb 06, 2022
    • 1530 reads

    Key Verse 3:2, “O Lord, I have heard of your renown, and I stand in awe, O Lord, of your work. In our own...

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    Have Mercy on Me, Oh God! / Psalm 51:1-19
    • by Kevin Albright
    • Jan 30, 2022
    • 2754 reads

    We are in a 6-week Prayer series in our church. Six staff members chose to preach on 3 passages from the Old Testament and...

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    Daniel's Life of Prayer / Daniel 6:1-28
    • by Ron Ward
    • Jan 23, 2022
    • 4018 reads

    Today we begin a series of six messages with the theme of prayer, following our direction to pray and raise disciples in this new...

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    In Favor with God and Man / Luke 2:41-52
    • by Isaac Choi
    • Jan 16, 2022
    • 4871 reads

    Key verse 2:52, “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” Today, my message title is “In favor...

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    Jesus is Salvation, Light and Glory / Luke 2:21-40
    • by Kevin Albright
    • Jan 09, 2022
    • 2612 reads

    Once again, a blessed New Year 2022 to you all! We give thanks to God for bringing us through the year 2021 and enabling...

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    Chicago UBF New Year / John 17:1-26 / Sanctify Them by the Truth
    • by Ron Ward
    • Jan 02, 2022
    • 2167 reads

    Looking back on 2021, we suffered a lot through the pandemic. Some had serious illnesses, and others lost loved ones. In addition, two great...

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    Christmas-III / The Love, Joy & Peace of Jesus' Birth / Luke 2:1-20
    • by Dennis Miller
    • Dec 26, 2021
    • 1774 reads

    Key Verse: 2:11, “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” The birth...

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    Christmas-II / Jesus the Rising Sun / Luke 1:57-80
    • by Mark Vucekovich
    • Dec 19, 2021
    • 1976 reads

      “…because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine on those living...

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    Christmas-I /Jesus Reigns Forever / Luke 1:26-38
    • by Steven Lee
    • Dec 06, 2021
    • 2585 reads

    There are only two characters in the passage, the angel Gabriel and a virgin Mary. Most of the passage is the angel Gabriel’s message...

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    2022 UBF New Years / Jesus Chose the Twelve / Luke 6:6-19
    • by Moses Yoon
    • Dec 05, 2021
    • 1236 reads

    Luke 6:6-19  Key verse 6:12-13, “12 One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to...

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    Oh Lord, Restore Our Fortunes / Pslam 126:1-6
    • by Joshua Hong
    • Nov 28, 2021
    • 2929 reads

    2021 Thanksgiving Message By Missionary Joshua Hong (UIUC) Lord, Restore Our Fortunes Psalm 126:1-6 Key verse 4, “Restore our Fortunes, LORD, like streams in...

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    Jesus is the True Vine / John 15:1-17
    • by Dr Paul Chung
    • Nov 21, 2021
    • 12290 reads

    Happy Lord’s Day! My name is Paul Chung and I am married to the most graceful, patient, and beautiful woman in the world, Elisabeth...