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    (Upcoming) They Had Everything in Common / Acts 4:32-37
    • by Mark Vucekovich
    • Jul 21, 2024
    • 19 reads

    Acts 4:32-37 Key Verse: 4:32, “Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that...

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    The Call of Isaiah (Whom Shall I Send?) / Isaiah 6:1-13
    • by Kevin Albright
    • Jul 14, 2024
    • 67 reads

    This passage is the call of the prophet Isaiah. Isaiah volunteers himself for the Lord’s mission. People do not naturally volunteer for the Lord’s...

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    With All Boldness / Acts 4:23-31
    • by Mark Vucekovich
    • Jul 07, 2024
    • 83 reads

    What are you praying for? If we pray, often it’s about problems in our own lives, or maybe in the world. Sometimes we pray...

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    There is Salvation in No One Else / Acts 4:1-22
    • by Mark Vucekovich
    • Jun 30, 2024
    • 116 reads

    What do you think about “salvation”? Every religion claims its own version. Even the non-religious promote personal growth, self-actualization, and contributing to humanity’s well-being...

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    Repent, Therefore, and Turn Back / Acts 3:11-26
    • by Mark Vucekovich
    • Jun 23, 2024
    • 171 reads

    What do you think about repentance? To “repent” can sound heavy or burdensome. Even Christians misunderstand what it is. The dictionary defines repentance as...

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    This Little Light of Mine / 1 Samuel 3:1-4:1a
    • by David Won
    • Jun 16, 2024
    • 199 reads

    Happy Father’s Day! A good dad loves giving nice gifts to his children. Imagine your dad gave you a small lamp and matches. Picture...

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    In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth / Acts 3:1-10
    • by Mark Vucekovich
    • Jun 09, 2024
    • 179 reads

    Are you confident about anything? We all know people who are self-confident. Sometimes, such an attitude is hard to bear. But so is a...

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    They Devoted Themselves / Acts 2:42-47
    • by Mark Vucekovich
    • Jun 02, 2024
    • 190 reads

    Are you passionate about anything? We can get enthusiastic about many different things. And then, there are things we have to be forced to...

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    Jesus is both Lord and Christ / Acts 2:22-41
    • by Mark Vucekovich
    • May 26, 2024
    • 190 reads

    What’s first and foremost in your heart? It might be that certain romantic someone, a job, a life goal, children, a house, or money,...

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    God Calls Moses / Exodus 3:1-4:17
    • by Kevin Albright
    • May 19, 2024
    • 226 reads

    Do you have questions or make excuses? Of course, we all do. More specifically, do you have questions or make excuses about God’s call...

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    I will Pour out My Spirit / Acts 2:1-21
    • by Mark Vucekovich
    • May 12, 2024
    • 273 reads

    Do you ever feel inspired? Sometimes, life can seem like just a lot of drudgery, with its many duties, chores and stress. Once in...

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    With One Accord / Acts 1:12-26
    • by Mark Vucekovich
    • May 05, 2024
    • 227 reads

    Do you like to be with people, or would you prefer to be alone? It may seem like a personality trait: some people are...

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    Introdution to Acts Study 2024
    • by Mark Vucekovich
    • Apr 28, 2024
    • 188 reads

    Who was the author, Luke? Luke may have been part of the church in Antioch, initiated by Paul & Barnabas years later. Writing from...

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    You Will Be My Witnesses / Acts 1:1-11
    • by Mark Vucekovich
    • Apr 28, 2024
    • 241 reads

    What do you think you need? When we think we need something, we get serious about it. Many think they need money. Many try...

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    The Call of Abram (Abraham) / Genesis 12:1-4
    • by Kevin Albright
    • Apr 21, 2024
    • 289 reads

    Today we begin a special series on God’s calling to several people in the Bible. We start with Abram, also known as Abraham, since...

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    You are Witnesses of These Things / Luke 24:36-53
    • by Mark Vucekovich
    • Apr 14, 2024
    • 224 reads

    Do you know who you are? We’re given a name at birth. It may have had some meaning at the time. Or it may’ve...

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    He Went in to Stay with Them / Luke 24:13-35
    • by Mark Vucekovich
    • Apr 07, 2024
    • 201 reads

    Are you urgent about anything? Something you really want, or think is really important? Too often, we’re urgent about things that are not so...

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    He Has Risen / Luke 23:50-24:12
    • by Mark Vucekovich
    • Mar 31, 2024
    • 232 reads

    What are you really seeking? Some might say meaning in life. Others would say good relationships. Still others might say success, or health, or...

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    Father, Forgive Them / Luke 23:26-49
    • by Mark Vucekovich
    • Mar 24, 2024
    • 256 reads

    How do you feel about forgiving others? Not just nice people, sincere people, but really “difficult” people? It’s hard to forgive when people have...

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    Jesus is Condemed in Our Places / Luke 22:63-23:25
    • by David Won
    • Mar 17, 2024
    • 304 reads

    My opening question is, “How do you respond to injustice?” In times of injustice, our emotions and actions vary. Some react with anger, seeking...