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    The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven (Mt 18:1-14)
    • by HQ Bible Study Team
    • May 20, 2017
    • 1183 reads

    THE GREATEST IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN Matthew 18:1-14  Key verse 4     What question did Jesus’ disciples ask and why (1)? What more basic...

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    Listen to Jesus (Mt 17:1-27)
    • by HQ Bible Study Team
    • May 19, 2017
    • 1620 reads

    LISTEN TO JESUS Matthew 17:1-27  Key verse 5  “While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud...

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    Who Do You Say Jesus Is? (Mt 16:13-28)
    • by HQ Bible Study Team
    • May 18, 2017
    • 1222 reads

    WHO DO YOU SAY JESUS IS? Matthew 16:13-28  Key verses 15,16     Where was Caesarea Philippi (see map below) and why might Jesus lead his...

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    JESUS CAME TO FULFILL THE LAW (Sermon on the Mount Part 2)
    • by Augustine Suh
    • May 18, 2017
    • 2265 reads

    Matthew 5:17-48 Key Verse: 5:17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to...

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    Don't You Remember? (Mt 15:29-16:12)
    • by HQ Bible Study Team
    • May 17, 2017
    • 1727 reads

    DONT YOU REMEMBER? Matthew 15:29-16:12  Key Verse: 16:8-9    “Aware of their discussion, Jesus asked, ‘You of little faith, why are you talking among yourselves...

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    The Word of God and Tradition (Mt 15:1-28)
    • by HQ Bible Study Team
    • May 16, 2017
    • 2073 reads

    THE WORD OF GOD AND TRADITION Matthew 15:1-28  Key Verse: 15:6    “…they are not to honor their father or mother with it. Thus you...

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    Come, Walk On The Water! (Mt 14:22-36)
    • by HQ Bible Study Team
    • May 15, 2017
    • 4601 reads

    COME, WALK ON THE WATER!    Matthew 14:22-36  Key Verse: 28-29     “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the...

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    You Give Them Something to Eat (Mt 13:53-14:21)
    • by HQ Bible Study Team
    • May 14, 2017
    • 1337 reads

    YOU GIVE THEM SOMETHING TO EAT Matthew 13:53-14:21  Key verse 14:16     After teaching in parables, where did Jesus go and what did he do...

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    • by LA UBF
    • May 14, 2017
    • 956 reads

    CHRIST REDEEMED US FROM THE LAW Galatians 3:1–14 Key Verse 13 “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse...

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    BLESSED ARE… (Sermon on the Mount Part 1)
    • by David Won
    • May 13, 2017
    • 1571 reads

    Matthew 5:1-16 Key verse 3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”            In the last two weeks we...

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    The Kingdom of Heaven is Like... (Mt 13:24-52)
    • by HQ Bible Study Team
    • May 13, 2017
    • 1096 reads

    THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS LIKE… Matthew 13:24-52 Key Verse: 44    Though a man sowed good seed, what happened to his field (24-28a)? Why...

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    Blessed Are Those Who Understand (Mt 13:1-23)
    • by HQ Bible Study Team
    • May 12, 2017
    • 2973 reads

    BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO UNDERSTAND Matthew 13:1-23  Key Verse: 13:23    “But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word...

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    With Jesus Or Against Jesus? (Mt 12:22-50)
    • by HQ Bible Study Team
    • May 11, 2017
    • 2294 reads

    WITH JESUS OR AGAINST JESUS? Matthew 12:22-50  Key Verse: 12:30    “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with...

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    Here is My Servant Whom I Have Chosen (Mt 12:1-21)
    • by HQ Bible Study Team
    • May 10, 2017
    • 1524 reads

    “HERE IS MY SERVANT WHOM I HAVE CHOSEN”    Matthew 12:1-21  Key verse 18    “Here is my servant whom I have chosen, the one I...

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    Rest for the Weary and Burdened (Mt 11:20-30)
    • by HQ Bible Study Team
    • May 09, 2017
    • 1792 reads

    Rest for the Weary and Burdened  Matthew 11:20-30  Key verse: 11:28  “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will...

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    What the Messiah Does (Mt 11:1-19)
    • by HQ Bible Study Team
    • May 08, 2017
    • 2656 reads

    WHAT THE MESSIAH DOES Matthew 11:1-19  Key Verse: 11:5    “The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf...

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    Whoever Acknowledges Jesus (Mt 10:16-42)
    • by HQ Bible Study Team
    • May 07, 2017
    • 2833 reads

    WHOEVER ACKNOWLEDGES JESUS Matthew 10:16-42  Key Verse: 10:32    “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.”    Matthew was...

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    • by LA UBF
    • May 07, 2017
    • 849 reads

    JUSTIFIED BY FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST Galatians 2:11-21 Key verse 16a “know that a person is not justified by the works of the law,...

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    The Harvest is Plentiful (Mt 9:35-10:15)
    • by HQ Bible Study Team
    • May 06, 2017
    • 2951 reads

    THE HARVEST IS PLENTIFUL    Matthew 9:35-10:15  Key Verse 9:37-38    37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are...

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    Do You Believe that I Am Able to Do This? (Mt 9:18-34)
    • by HQ Bible Study Team
    • May 05, 2017
    • 2035 reads

    DO YOU BELIEVE I AM ABLE TO DO THIS? Matthew 9:18-34  Key Verse: 28    “When he had gone indoors, the blind men came to...