(PANAMA) The Theme of Panama UBF's Winter Bible Conference Was "Royal Priesthood and Holy Nation"

  • by UBF HQ
  • Dec 13, 2022
  • 678 reads

By J*osué Gutierrez

On November 26-28, 2022, Panama UBF held an in-person Bible Conference "Royal Priesthood and Holy Nation" in the beautiful mountains just outside the city called “Cerro Azul” (Blue Hill).

We rented two houses with a prayer for 20 attendees, but one week before the conference, only 12 had confirmed to attend. J*osué challenged all the members to invite anyone, even if they couldn’t pay the registration fee. Two days before the conference, there were 24 attendees confirmed: 16 adults, 5 teenagers and 3 children. Even 12 year-old V*ictoria invited one classmate and one friend. We finished our conference with a barbecue and fellowship by the river. All of us had a wonderful time, and most of the first-time attendees were asking when we would have another one. Praise God for a wonderful and blessed conference. The reports are attached below.

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