(Homecoming Ceremony of M. HannahKuper) - Message & Words of Farewell (English & Korean)

  • by UBF HQ
  • May 21, 2020
  • 1014 reads



MarcosKim, Buenos Aires UBF

2 Timothy 4:7-8: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.”

We have gathered today to see off our beloved coworker missionary HannahKuper who went ahead of us to see the Lord. On May 14, 2020, I suddenly got a call from Korea and the center phone also rang, and I thought something must have happened. I was shocked to hear the news that missionary Hannah had passed away. I couldn’t believe that someone who had been healthy until that very morning and only gone for a check-up on some breathing trouble had passed away so suddenly. 

Then, when I went to gather her body the next day, I was shocked again to see to the poor conditions of the hospital, and my heart ached to think that she had taken her last breath in that small hospital. Moreover, I felt sorry and resentful that the coronavirus prevented very many people from gathering to send her off.

However, when I looked at Jesus’ death, I was surprised to see that he also died in loneliness. Jesus died a lonely death, taken outside the city like a common sinner, where only three or four people could come near the cross and a few faithful women could only look on from afar. Likewise, as we send missionary Hannah off, there are only four missionaries present and hundreds look on from afar through the Internet. It seems like she is lonely, but she is never alone.

Missionary Hannah met Jesus when she was young and vowed to live her life as a missionary. Out of love for Jesus, she would go to the center every day, and her mother even misunderstood and suspected she found a boyfriend. Later, she was sent out to the United States as a missionary. She started a family with the pure and upstanding Don Kuper, served God in Toledo with fiery passion, and raised two smart, wonderful sons, Paul and John. After that, she responded to the late Dr. Samuel Lee’s suggestion and went out as short-term missionary to Paraguay, then responded again by coming as a permanent missionary to Argentina.

Physically, missionary Hannah was a small person. She tenaciously endured many hardships, yet she was always bright before God’s Word. Truly, she went too suddenly. She had been complaining of breathing trouble since early last week, and then less than three hours after getting treated in the hospital, she suddenly passed away. There are so many things I wanted to tell her, but now she’s just gone. 

Seeing her face before the casket closing yesterday, I first thought of how much hardship and pain she had endured, and my heart ached. But later, I realized how peacefully she must be resting now, and my heart filled with thanks. During the ambulance ride with her family, she said, “No matter what happens, the Lord is my shepherd.” Just four hours before she passed away, she was helping her students in class, and she served jjajang noodles for dinner. I wish missionary Hannah were still here with us. But God said, “This is far enough. Leave the rest to me,” and he called her home. God is God. He is Sovereign Master of our lives. He doesn’t need to consult with us. And his sovereignty is good.

 As I meditated on what word to speak on, I read 2 Timothy 4 and felt that God was looking at me and saying, “Why are sad? Take heart!” What does Apostle Paul say in verse 7-8? He says, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” The battle that Paul and the other apostles waged was not a battle to kill others but a battle to bring sinners to repentance and make them children of God. This battle requires extraordinary patience and demands you to lay down your life in the dirt. It’s a battle to put one’s self to death. This was the battle that Apostle Paul fought. And this was the battle that missionary Hannah fought. 

How did Apostle Paul feel as he sensed the end of his life drawing near? Was he afraid? Was he full of regrets? Not in the least. He was so happy that he burst with overflowing praise. Look at verse 8. “Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” How amazing. Missionary Hannah now shares in that same crown with Apostle Paul. She endured so much while living as a compassionate missionary in Argentina and South America. Now, in God’s kingdom, she doesn’t have to struggle so hard to prepare her online classes. She doesn’t have to suffer through chronic coughing. God brought her labor to a close and welcomed her into his rest in his presence. God is good. When we finish our lives on this earth, we, too, we will be given a crown of righteousness, we will be clothed with a powerful, glorious, imperishable body, and we will meet missionary Hannah once more. How great our joy will be on that day.

I asked missionary Don Kuper, “Where do you want to have her buried? America? Or Korea?” He answered, “Argentina.” Missionary Hannah is laying her bones to rest in Argentina. Today, after we finish this ceremony, we will bury her in the Korean community cemetery. It seems similar to Abraham when he purchased the cave of Machpelah. All of us missionaries will also lay our bones to rest here in Argentina.

Looking at the beginning part of today’s passage, I was surprised to think that Paul was unmarried and had no biological son. But he loved Timothy like a spiritual son knew that he couldn’t be near him in the moment of his death. So he wrote to Timothy about his life and his hope. 

Timothy was a tearful, soft-hearted person. So Paul commanded him in 2 Timothy 4:5, “But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.” If missionary could be here to share her testimony, she would probably say the same thing seeing us in this moment. 

“I’m going home. Be sober in all things. Endure hardship.” What can a person accomplish without patience? If we decide to study the Bible, do our lives suddenly change? We need to be patient. Be sober, deny yourself, follow Jesus. We must endure these hardships until we bear the fruits of the Spirit. Also, we must do the work of an evangelist. The gospel is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes. Through our lives, we can give glory to God. But we can’t reveal the gospel in detail. 

We must speak about the righteousness and life that is through Christ. Paul also commands, “Discharge all the duties of your ministry.” Students as students, workers and workers, shepherds as shepherds. We have to discharge our duties, fulfill our ministries. Then, the gospel will be preached all the powerfully, and we will participate in his glory.

I feel such a sense of loss sending off missionary Hannah. Do you know what every parent wishes? A parent’s greatest joy is to see their children outshine them. When Paul and John stand before God as great spiritual generals, missionary Hannah will truly be so full of joy. 

Until the very last moment, missionary Hannah lived giving her all strength. Now she’s at rest, waiting for her crown. Today we say farewell to her. Although we won’t be able to see her for a short while, we shall see her again. So that we won’t be ashamed when we meet again, let us lay down our lives and follow Jesus.

 Above all, I pray that God may keep missionary Don Kuper healthy like Caleb (who lived to 85), and for God to bless Paul and John as spiritual generals. Amen. 

MarcosKim, Buenos Aires UBF

<Words of Farewell>

M. DonKuper (Argentina)

Today, we have lost a wife, a mother, a missionary, and a second-grade teacher. M. HannahKuper had many roles in life, all of which she accepted with great responsibility. If there was one word to describe M Hannah, it seems to be the word “mission.” She did everything with a clear and strong sense of mission. She was a missionary in every walk of life. At a very young age as a young Korean college student, M Hannah loved world mission and set her heart to live as a UBF missionary. This led her to Bowling Green, Ohio, the USA as a student missionary where she did her Masters in English Lit. Her love for God and God’s mission led her to marry a young American who was an alumni of Bowling Green State University (BGSU) who in spite of being very ordinary loved God and was full of passion for God’s work. When they were just newlyweds, they opened their small apartment to a young girl to whom M Hannah taught the Bible. They wanted to have a house church from the beginning. Together, they formed a small fellowship within the Toledo UBF church called the Good Soldiers Fellowship where she served many young people as a Bible teacher including a young American student in the ROTC. She taught him the Bible via the mail and all on his own he in turn taught the Bible to his platoon in basic training and held worship service with them. He grew in God’s word and brought his brother Greg into the ministry. It was God’s marvelous work. 

Don and HannahKuper went out in 1998 as UBF missionaries to Paraguay and then Argentina where they served together as teachers and Bible teachers. They formed a small chapter of UBF in Buenos Aires together with two other families. Their spirit of the mission led them to Korea and even China and then back to Argentina where their son John is studying Medicine.  They had two wonderful sons, Paul and John, who themselves inherited her spirit of mission. Paul now lives in Seoul, Korea working and studying while John is living with his dad in Argentina serving in their ministry. 

During the pandemic, Hannah was enclosed in her home in Buenos Aires, Argentina where she held online classes for the second graders of BAICA. She also had a new Bible student Edeline with whom she had just begun one to one Bible study. In one sense, life at home was very nice and it was good to have mom back at home. She taught me how to make different dishes and she made us one last meal and a batch of kimchi before she went to heaven. But during the quarantine, she came under more stress than usual as a teacher due to all the work involved in teaching online. In addition, she had ongoing diabetes and high blood pressure that she tried to manage through medication. Although she was very faithful in taking medication, it seems that these underlying conditions combined with stress was having an effect on her. She began to complain about shortness of breath the last few days. She also kept getting hot and cold alternately. On the day that she went to heaven, she held one last class for her students. Afterward, she asked me to call for an ambulance because she was still having trouble breathing. They arrived in ten minutes, and after examining her, they felt it was necessary to run some tests to make sure it wasn’t coronavirus.  After an hour and a half in the clinic, she was about to be taken up for x-ray when she fainted in the arms of her husband Don, and son John with doctors standing a few feet away. It was actually a cardiac arrest due to respiratory complications. This is something no one ever expected. They tried to revive her for an hour but she had another cardiac arrest and she went to heaven. She did not have coronavirus since the test results were negative. She literally sowed her life for Jesus and God’s world mission purpose.

To the end, M Hannah fulfilled her mission here on earth as a missionary wife, a missionary mom, a missionary teacher, and a Christian missionary. Now she is in the arms of her heavenly Father where she can rest eternally from all her labors in the Lord. She leaves us a tremendous spiritual legacy to follow. Thank God who used Hannah as a great woman of mission who reflected Jesus in everything she did.

Paul and SarahHong (Toledo, OH, USA)

It was in 1980 we met her in Bowling Green, OH. Since then she and Don have been with us--many here in Toledo remember her dearly.. Clearly HannahKuper was a holy pilgrim—in obedience to God she constantly moved from one place to the next---Korea to Bowling Green, Toledo, Chicago, Akron (USA ), Paraguay, Argentina, back to USA, Korea, China, USA, and then Argentina. Her heart was filled with her Savior and thus she accepted her call to be a missionary---the highest calling...Leaving behind the routine path of worldly fame and recognition..she chose to store her treasures in heaven...She gave herself to God and others...everything away to receive more than all things back.. She did not save for herself…She was highly gifted—rational and emotional, articulate and simple, compassionate, and firm...she imparted her gifts of mindfulness and care to many.

Hannah_Kuper frequently recited Psalm 23, “The LORD is my Shepherd…I shall not be in want”…By faith, she experienced God’s timely provision in all things but the reality was too often different...In COVID-19 world she was in need of health, strength, and freedom—until the last day…yet she chose to trust God and accepted simple and humble life with joy…Abundant silver and gold she did not have, but in the name of Jesus she made many walks..she helped others laugh..she supported the weak to be strong…She wiped out tears of those who were weeping in sorrow and planted the living hope to those in great distress…Her favorite Psalm 23 ends with this song of joy, “Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life. I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” We offer our prayer, “May Hannah find strength, rest, comfort, joy and glory in the house of the LORD forever.” In response, we feel hearing what she would say to us, “May the grace of our Lord be with you all to the very end….”. Now she is not with us.. She is with the LORD. We truly miss her so much. Sooner or later we will also depart here and join her there in glory. Until then, we live by faith, not by sight.

IsaacKim (Akron, Ohio, USA)

I salute M. HannahKuper’s life of faith, especially her life of mission from early in 1980 in Bowlingreen, OH.

I saw young bible students were always around her. She took care of them with prayer and giving them the word of God like her own-children. God used her proficient English and intellect preciously to further the Kingdom of God. She even gave up her career to serve South America pioneering work in Paraguay and Argentina. In fact, she was ready to follow God’s leading. Truly, she lived as a holy pilgrim sojourning her mission field, Toledo, Korea, Chicago, China. She came to Akron three years ago. M. Don and Hannah bought a house and they were ready to settle in Akron as their mission field. Her one to one bible students were coming to our worship service. We saw God’s wonderful work through them. But God had a different plan. 

Their original mission field is Argentina. 

I praise to thank God for her beautiful life of faith and her clear mission mind to serve God and please him in all she did to the end.  May the grace of God and God’s comfort be with M. Don and his family.

UBF General Director MosesYoon (Chicago, Illinois, USA)

As we remember missionary HannahKuper was an elegant woman of faith. When I think about her I am reminded of Proverbs 31:10 which says "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies." As the whole chapter 31 says she was a wise, hard working woman of noble character. Most of all, she was a spiritual warrior of faith. She fought the good fight, finished her race and kept the faith. She entered the kingdom of God ahead of us as our spiritual senior. In the kingdom of God, she remembers us and cheers us up to run our races to the end. I pray that we may learn her life of faith that she poured out he life as a drink offering, and that we may run our races with all our best. I also pray that God may comfort missionary Don, Paul, and John. As a community, we are with them and will be with them as the Lord is with us.

Samuel_H_Lee (Korea)

I first met missionary Hannah in 1976 as a staff shepherd of Jongro 5, the former Hanyang UBF. She, Heywon Lee, was a beautiful and intellectual college student of Seoul Women's University. She was led to UBF by one of her friends and accepted Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior through Bible study.   She was an outstanding woman who had appeared at TV as an interpreter. In 1978, only by faith, she resigned from UNICEF and was sent to USA as a self-supporting missionary in obeying Jesus' world mission command.

She devoted herself to pioneer Bowling Green and Toledo. And she established a house church with bright, humorous, and spiritual shepherd Don Kuper by simple faith. She served sheep faithfully and made disciples. She got a master’s degree in English Literature. She challenged to study nursing by faith and became a nurse. 

But she left her stable life in the USA and was sent to a poor country Paraguay as a self-supporting missionary with all her family members. She coworked with missionaries in Paraguay and moved to Argentina and devoted her life continuously. She had to face many difficulties in order to be a self-supporting missionary but she served pioneering ministry faithfully. And she had a vision to pioneer China someday.   

She was so faithful to God. She devoted herself to God for the last 42 years as a self-supporting missionary by simple faith simple obedience, loving Jesus, and His calling.   

The news that she was called by God to Heaven was so sudden. It was painful. But our God the Father is good. I believe that God called her to heaven and embraced her with his warm arms and covered her with a glorious crown of victory and granted her a good rest in his right time.     

I praise and thank God who received glory through missionary Hannah's beautiful and devoted self-supporting missionary life. And I give thanks to God who made missionary Hannah be a good example for all our missionaries.  

Dear missionary Hannah, have a good rest in our Lord's arms. Enjoy Heavenly Kingdom's life in God's infinite glory.

Dear Father God, comfort your precious servants, missionary Don Kuper and second-gen. missionaries Paul and John Kuper with a resurrection faith and a hope of the Heavenly Kingdom.   

I pray that God may make all coworkers who remain here to give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord always with simple faith and unchangeable faithfulness like missionary Hannah Kuper did. May God be glorified.  


한나 쿠퍼 선교사님 천국 파송 예배 메시지


MarcosKim, Buenos Aires UBF

디모데후서 4:7,8 “내가 선한 싸움을 싸우고, 나의 달려갈 길을 마치고 믿음을 지켰으니 * 이제 후로는 나를 위하여 의의 면류관이 예비되었으므로 주 곧 의로우신 재판장이 그 날에 내게 주실 것이니 내게만 아니라 주의 나타나심을 사모하는 모든 자에게니라.”

오늘 우리는 우리의 사랑하는 전우 M. HannahKuper를 먼저 하나님께 배웅하기 위해 모였습니다. 2020년 5월 14일 갑자기 한국에서 전화가 오고, 센터 전화벨이 울리는 것을 보면서 무슨 큰 일이 벌어진 것은 아닌가 생각이 들었었고, 한나 선교사님이 소천하셨다는 소식을 듣고 크게 놀랐습니다. 그날 아침까지만 해도 건강하시던 분이 갑자기 호흡곤란 하다며 병원에 가신 후에 갑자기 돌아가셨다니 정말 믿을수가 없었습니다. 그리고 다음날 시신을 모셔오기 위해 그 병원에 들렀을 때 그 병원의 초라함에 또한번 놀랐습니다. 이런 변두리, 작은 병원에서 마지막 숨을 거두셨다니 마음이 아펐습니다. 게다가 코로나 바이러스로 인해 여러 사람이 모여서 배웅도 하지 못한다는 것을 듣고 마음이 안타깝고 분한 마음도 있었습니다.

그러나, 저는 예수님의 죽음을 보면서 그 죽으심도 외로우셨음을 보고 놀랐습니다. 예수님께서도 그 죽으심을 성밖에서 죄인들 중에 하나와 같이 맞이하셨고, 3,4명만 그 십자가 가까이 있었고 많은 여인들이 멀리서 지켜보며 외롭게 가셨기 때문입니다. 지금 한나 선교사님을 배웅하는 이 시간엔 4명의 선교사들이 그 마지막 곁을 지키고 있고, 이 조문소 바깥에, 그리고 인터넷으로 수백명의 사람들이 지켜보고 있습니다. 한나 선교사님은 외로운 것 같지만 결코 외롭지 않으십니다.

한나 선교사님은 젊은 시절 예수님을 만나고, 그 인생을 선교사로 드리겠다고 서원을 드렸고, 그 부모님이애인이 있어서 센터에 매일 간다고 오해할 정도로 예수님을 애인삼아 사랑하였습니다. 그리고 미국에 학생 선교사로 파송되었으며, 순수하고 준수한 미국 목자 단쿠퍼 선교사님과 가정을 이루고, 톨래토에서 불과 같이 하나님을 섬기며 그리고 멋지고 똑똑한 폴과 존을 자녀로 두었습니다. 그리고 고 이사무엘 선교사님이 남미 파라과이 단기 선교사로 나가보지 않겠느냐는 제안에 응답한 이후, 남미 영구 선교사로 살지 않겠느냐는 질문에 또 응답하셔서 아르헨티나로 나아오셨습니다.

한나 선교사님은 체구가 작은 분이셨습니다. 힘든 일을 악착같이 감당하시면서 사셨지만, 말씀 앞에서는 환하셨습니다. 정말 너무나 갑자기 돌아가셨습니다. 지난 주초부터 호흡이 곤란하다고 하시다가 병원 진료를 받은지 3시간도 지나지 않아 갑자기 돌아가셨습니다. 나누고 싶은 말도 많았는데 나누지도 못하고 그냥 떠나셨습니다. 

어제 관을 덮기 전에 그 얼굴을 보니 처음엔 힘든 고통을 견딘 것이 보여 마음이 아펐지만, 나중에 쉬고 계심을 알고 감사하게 되었습니다. 엠뷸런스를 타고 가족과 같이 가시면서 “무슨 일이 벌어지던지 하나님은 우리 좋은 목자이시다”라고 하셨다고 합니다. 돌아가시기 4시간 전에 마지막 수업으로 학교 학생들을 돕고, 아침 저녁엔 짜장면을 섬기셨습니다. 그리고 아직도 한나 선교사님이 더 있으시면 좋겠지만, 하나님은 “여기까지 하고 나머지는 일을 인수인계하라” 하시며 부르셨습니다. 하나님은 하나님이십니다. 그는 우리 인생의 주인이시며 우리와 상의하실 필요가 없으신 분이시며, 그 주권은 선하십니다.

 무슨 말씀으로 그를 환송해야 할지 묵상하면서 디모데후서 4장 말씀을 보니 하나님이 저를 보고 “왜 슬퍼하느냐. 힘을 내라” 하시는 것 같았습니다. 7,8절 말씀에 바울 사도는 무엇을 말합니까. “나는 선한 싸움을 싸우고 나의 달려갈 길을 마치고 믿음을 지켰으니” 바울사도가 싸운 싸움은 사람을 죽이는 싸움이 아니라 죄인들을 회개시켜 하나님의 자녀를 만드는 싸움이었습니다. 이는 많은 인내가 필요하고, 그 삶을 거름처럼 내어주어야 하는 싸움입니다. 자기를 죽여야 하는 싸움입니다. 바울은 이 싸움을 싸웠습니다. 한나 선교사님도 이 싸움을 싸우셨습니다. 

바울은 그 삶의 마지막이 가까움을 느끼고 그 마음이 어떠합니까? 두려워했습니까? 아쉬워했습니까? 아닙니다. 너무나 좋아서 벅찬 찬송을 불렀습니다. 8절을 보십시오. “이제 후로는 나를 위하여 의의 면류관이 예비되었으므로 주 곧 의로우신 재판장이 그 날에 내게 주실 것이며, 내게만 아니라 주의 나타나심을 사모하는 모든 자에게도니라.” 와우. 한나 선교사님은 바울이 받을 그 동일한 면류관에 참여하게 되신 것입니다. 남미 아르헨티나 땅에서 자비량 선교사로 살면서 참 고생하셨습니다. 하나님 나라에서는 온라인 강의 준비하느라 고생 안하셔도 됩니다. 잦은 기침을 갖지도 않으실 겁니다. 그 수고를 마치게 하시고 하나님 앞에 쉼을 갖게 하신 하나님은 선하십니다. 우리도 이 땅에서 삶을 마치면 또한 우리를 위한 면류관이 있고, 강하고, 영화롭고, 썩어지지 아니할 몸을 입은 천군과 같은 영광 가운데 한나 쿠퍼 선교사님을 만날 것입니다. 그 때 즐거움이 얼마나 크겠습니까.

저는 단 쿠퍼 선교사님에게 물어보았습니다. 한나 선교사님을 어디에 묻기 원하십니까. 미국에요? 아니면 한국에요? 그는 아르헨티나라고 대답하였습니다. 한나 선교사님은 아르헨티나에 뼈를 묻으시는 것입니다. 오늘 이 시간 이후 저희들은 그를 한인묘지에 안장할 것입니다. 정말 아브라함이 막벨라 굴을 구입한 것과 비슷한 사건입니다. 우리 모든 선교사들도 아르헨티나에 뼈를 묻을 것입니다.

저는 오늘 본문의 살짝 윗 부분을 보면서 깜짝 놀랐습니다. 바울은 결혼을 하지 않았습니다. 그래서 육신의 아들이 없습니다. 그러나 디모데를 영적인 아들과 같이 사랑하였고 그가 자기의 죽음의 순간 곁에 있을 수 없다는 것을 알았습니다. 이에 그는 자신의 삶과 소망을 이야기한 것입니다. 디모데는 눈물이 많고 마음이 여린 사람이었습니다. 그런 그에게 명령하였습니다. 딤후 4:5절 “그러나 너는 모든 일에 근신하며 고난을 받으며 전도인의 일을 하며 네 직무를 다하라.” 한나 선교사님이 지금 이 자리에서 homecoming service 소감을 발표한다면 아마도 이 순간을 지켜보는 우리에게 동일한 말을 할 것입니다. 

“나는 집에 갑니다. 모든 일에 근신하며. 고난을 받읍시다.” 인내 없이 무엇을 할 수 있습니까. 말씀을 공부한다고 우리가 삶이 확 변합니까? 인내해야 합니다. 근신하며 자기를 부인하고 예수님을 따르는 고난을 받아야 성령의 열매가 맺혀집니다. 그리고 전도인의 일을 해야 합니다. 복음은 모든 믿는 자에게 구원을 주시는 하나님의 능력입니다. 우리 삶으로 하나님을 영화롭게 할 수 있지만 복음을 자세히 드러낼 수는 없습니다. 

우리는 그리스도를 통한 의와 생명을 이야기해야 합니다. 그리고 바울은 “네 직무를 다하라” 명합니다. 학생은 학생으로서, 직장인은 직장인으로서, 목자는 목자로서 직무를 다해야 합니다. 그 때 복음은 더욱 힘있게 전파되고 모든 우리들은 그 영광에 참여할 것입니다.

한나 선교사님을 보내면서 아쉬움이 많이 남습니다. 부모의 소원이 무엇인지 아십니까? 부모는 자식이 자신보다 더 영화롭게 될 때 그 기쁨이 충만해집니다. 폴과 존이 큰 영적인 장군이 되어 하나님 앞에 서게 될 때 한나 선교사님은 정말 너무나 즐거워 하실 겁니다. 

그리고, 저희들이 더 믿음에서 자라고 열매가 풍성할 때 그는 더 즐거워 할 것입니다. 한나 선교사님은 그 마지막 순간까지 온 힘을 다해 사셨고, 이제 면류관을 기다리며 쉬게 되셨습니다. 오늘 우리는 그를 환송합니다. 잠시 다시 보지 못하나, 다시 보게 될 것입니다. 다시 볼 때 부끄러움이 없도록 거름과 같이 삶을 살며 예수님을 따르면 됩니다.

 무엇보다, 하나님께서 이 땅에 남은 단 쿠퍼 선교사님을 갈렙과 같이 (85세까지) 강건하게 하시며, 폴과 존을 영적인 장군들로 축복하시기를 기도합니다. 아멘.

MarcosKim, Buenos Aires UBF


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