(EUROPE) "The Way"- Highlights from ESBC 2024 in Prague

We thank God for richly blessing the ESBC 2024. It took place in Prague, Czech Republic, from August 1-4, 2024, with 1084 attendants from 43 nations. The conference hotel was not far away from the airport and easy to reach by shuttle bus or public transport in 30-50 minutes.

Since the conference rooms, dining rooms, and bedrooms were in the same building, the atmosphere was more peaceful, and it was easier to meet other people than in previous ESBCs. We thank God that the whole conference went smoothly based on the diligent coworking of over a hundred coworkers in Europe and in Prague. And for the huge prayer support of our coworkers in Korea, America, and around the world. I am especially thankful that this time, so many young people committed themselves to the preparation in many areas with a strong sense of ownership and coworking, taking the lead in many task groups. Their input in the planning and their practical contributions were so important; without them, this conference would not have been possible.

*Read the full report

*Click the image below to view ESBC photos