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(Upcoming) With All Boldness / Acts 4:23-31


Acts 4:23-31

Key Verse: 4:29, And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness”

  1.  What had the council told Peter and John (18)? After they are released, what do they do (23)? What does the word “friends” mean, and what does it tell us about their community?

  2.  After hearing this, what do they do (24a), how do they address God (24b), and what does this mean? What Scripture do they use in their prayer (25–26), and how do they apply it (27–28)? What can we learn here about prayer?

  3.  What do they ask of God (29), and how do they refer to themselves here? What does it mean “to speak your word with all boldness”? Where does this boldness come from (13)? Why should we also pray for this (see Eph.6:19–20)?

  4.  For what else do they pray (30), and why do they pray for this? What can we learn from them?

  5.  What happens (31), and what does it tell us about God? How can we experience such an answer to prayer?

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