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Take Courage! It is I

  • by LA UBF
  • Oct 27, 2019
  • 901 reads



Mark 6:45-56

Key Verse 6:50b

Immediately he spoke to them and said, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

1. Read verses 45-48. After feeding the crowd, what did Jesus do? (45-46) What happened to the disciples as they crossed the lake? (47) When and how did Jesus come to them? (48) What does this event reveal about Jesus?

2. Read verses 49-52. How did the disciples respond when they saw Jesus? (49-50a) What did He say and do? (50b-51a) How can we overcome the problem of fear? (51b) What else does Mark mention about the disciples? (52)

3. Read verses 53-56. Where did Jesus and his disciples land? (53) How did Jesus’ healing ministry expand and grow? (54-56) What does this reveal about Jesus’ power and compassion?

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