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  • by LA UBF
  • Sep 08, 2019
  • 976 reads



Mark 5:1-20

Key Verse 5:9a

Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?”

1. Read verses 1-5. Whom did Jesus meet when he went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes? (1-2) How is the demon-possessed man described? (3-5) What can we learn here about the result of giving in to our sinful desires?

2. Read verses 6-9. What did the man do when he saw Jesus? (6-7) What did Jesus say to him? (8) What can we learn here from Jesus? What question did Jesus ask the man? (9a) What was the man’s answer and what does it reveal about his spiritual condition? (9b)

3. Read verses 10-17. What desperate request did the demons make of Jesus? (10-12) What can we learn from Jesus who allowed their request? (13) What does this show about demons? How did the people in the town react to Jesus? (14-17)

4. Read verses 18-20. What request did the formerly demon-possessed man make? (18) What did Jesus tell him to do instead? (19) What did the man do, and what was the result? (20) What can we learn about Jesus’ hope for all men living under the power of sin and death?

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