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The Macedonian Call

  • by LA UBF
  • Aug 05, 2007
  • 1153 reads


The Macedonian Call

Acts 16:6-10

Key verse 16:9

1.  Look at the map below. Locate the following places: the province of Asia, Phrygia, Galatia, Mysia, Mithynia, Troas, and Macedonia. See if you can trace Paul and his companions' journey.

2.  Read verse 6.  What do you think it means that they were "kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia"? How do you think Paul and his companions felt at this time?

3.  Read verse 7.  What happened when they tried to enter Bithynia? How do you think they felt now? 

4.  Read verses 8-9. Where did Paul and his companions spend the night? What vision did Paul have during the night?  What did this vision reveal about the Macedonians? Why do you think God gave Paul this vision?

5. Read verse 10. How did Paul and his companions respond to the vision? What can we learn from them in serving the Lord's work? 

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