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Come Over to Macedonia and Help Us

  • by LA UBF
  • Aug 08, 2010
  • 915 reads


"Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved-you and your household"���

    "Come over to Macedonia and help us"

Acts 15:36 -16:15

Key verse 16:9 “During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, "Come over to Macedonia and help us." 

Disagreement between Paul and Barnabas (15:36-41)

What was the purpose for Paul and Barnabas‘ second mission journey (15:36)?  What issue caused them to disagree sharply (15:37-38, 13:13)? What was the result of their disagreement (39-41)?  What do you know about Mark’s recovery from his early failure (1 Peter 5:13, Col. 4:10, Phm 1:24)


Timothy joins Paul and Silas (16:1-5)

Who joined Paul’s mission team at Lystra (16:1)?  What happened at Lystra on Paul’s first mission journey? (14:19-20)  What was his family background (1, 2Ti 1:5)?  What do you think about the spiritual environment in which Timothy grew up? Why did Paul want to take Timothy while he refused to take Mark in his mission journey? (16:1,2)


Why did Paul circumcise Timothy (3)?  How was this different from Titus?(Gal 2:3)  From this, what do we learn about Paul’s view about circumcision? (Gal 6:15)  What was the major point of their missionary visit in the various Asian towns? (4, 5, 15:29)?

Paul’s Vision of the Man of Macedonia (16:6-10)

4.  What do you think happened to them in the province of Asia? (6)  What was their original plan there? (7) What does “the spirit of Jesus would not allow them to” mean? (7) What happened to Paul at Troas during the night? (9)   Why was it not easy for them to change the course of their direction of the mission?

At 16:10, why do you think the subject changed from “they” to “we” in the book of Acts?  From where, do you think the author Luke joined Paul’s missionary team?

Lydia’s conversion in Philippi (16:11-15)

6.  What are the characteristics of Philippi? (12) Where did they go to find the place of prayer on the Sabbath? (13) Who was the first convert at Philippi? (13-14) What was her background? (14)  What do you learn about the Holy Spirit who prepared Lydia? (14)  What was her response to Paul’s message? (15)



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