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Jesus Came To Forgive &Call Sinners

  • by LA UBF
  • Oct 29, 2011
  • 684 reads


Lesson 1���

Step 1



Mark 2:1-17

Key Verse 2:10


But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins . . .




Read verses 1-2. How did the people respond to Jesus’ return? What did Jesus do? Why? 

Read verses 3-5. Describe the action these men took to bring a paralyzed man to Jesus. What does this show about them? How did Jesus see their actions? What can we learn about faith?

Read verse 5 again. What did Jesus say to the paralytic? What might they have expected him to say? What does this show about Jesus? How might this man have sinned?

Read verses 6-12. What did the teachers of the law think about Jesus’ words? How did Jesus demonstrate his power to forgive sins (10-11)? What can we learn from Jesus who said to the paralytic, “Get up, take your mat and go home” (11)?


**         TO CALL SINNERS (13-17)


Read verse 13. Where did Jesus go next? What does Levi’s occupation tell about his life’s situation (Luke 3:12-13; 19:2,7)? What did he have in common with the paralytic? 

Read verses 14-15. How did Jesus call Levi (14)? How did Levi respond to Jesus’ invitation? (14b) How did Levi celebrate his new life? 

Read verses 16-17. What question did the Pharisees have? What does this question show about them? What was Jesus’ response? What does it reveal about him and sinners?

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