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If You Love Me...

  • by LA UBF
  • Jan 29, 2012
  • 1045 reads



Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit

John 14:15-31

Key verses 14:15-17

15 “If you love me, you will obey what I command. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth.”

Read verses 15-18. What would those who love Jesus do? (15,23) What promise did Jesus make to those who love him? (16,18) Why can’t the world accept the Spirit of truth? (17) Why is he called ‘another Counselor’? (16) What does Jesus mean by ‘I will come to you’? (18)

Read verses 19-24. What promises did Jesus give to his disciples? (19) What does verse 20 mean? What blessings are given to those who love Jesus? (21-24)

Read verses 25-27. What will the Holy Spirit do for Jesus’ disciples? (26)  How is Jesus’ peace different from the world’s peace? (27) 

Read verses 28-31. Why should Jesus’ disciples be glad when they heard that Jesus is going away? (28) What did Jesus tell his disciples about the future before it happens? (29) What can we know about the prince of this world? (30) What would Jesus demonstrate to the world? (31) 

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"If You Love Me…"

John 14:15-31

Key Verses 15-17a

“If you love me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever—the Spirit of truth."

I really liked last week's special message from Acts 1:8 because I learned many things and also repented of many things. How about you? Although we are returning to John's gospel, I believe this is a very good follow up to last week's special message. One of the main things I learned was that Jesus empowers us to be his witnesses by the Holy Spirit. A couple weeks ago, I was collecting all of the new years key verses from my fellowship members. But doing so made me very depressed. When I compared the list with last year, I saw all the same names. And it bothered me. Why haven't we added any new names to this list? I felt responsible. When looked back, I didn't even meet 1 new person for Bible study last year. This was the first time in my life as a Christian that I went more than a whole year's time and didn't meet a new person for Bible study. And this depressed me. How could I not even help 1 new person in Bible study over such a time. The message helped me to repent of my pride and despair and to seek the Holy Spirit's help. Then I was filled with the power of thanks and joy as we went fishing with our fellowship. To be his witnesses, we need the help of the Holy Spirit. The direction to be his witnesses is not just a geographical one, but in other ways as well, such as in difficult places and to difficult people and attitudes, etc. And we need his help to be self-controlled and wise and courageous. 

But didn't you have any further questions from last week's passage? For example, "How do we get the Holy Spirit?" and "Who is he?" Acts 1:8 does not answer it directly for us. And in Acts 1, we see Jesus refer to the Spirit as the gift from the Father. So how do we get this gift? How do we prepare ourselves for it? Because, as we know in giving gifts, we give at the right time and to those who will use the gift properly. I believe today's passage helps us to understand how we can be prepared to receive the Holy Spirit and it also teaches us about who he, the Spirit, is so that we can better understand how he works with us, and within us, and so helps us. 

First, Jesus promises the Spirit to those who love him (15-17a).

Let's look at verses 15-17a again. "If you love me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever—-the Spirit of truth."

He begins with, "If you love me…" Receiving the Holy Spirit is based on a relationship between us and Jesus, and between Jesus and the Father. We love him, and the Father sends the Spirit. And the key aspect of this relationship is love. 

How then do we show our love for Jesus? He says, "If you love me, you will obey what I command." 

Obedience and command may sound difficult to accept. Why is obedience the way to show our love? 

We may have different expectations about how people can show their love for us. We may expect our friends to act in a certain way, our parents or siblings in another way, and even our bible teachers or bible students in yet another way. Knowing how to show our love properly is very important so that we don't do the wrong thing, because many misuse the name of love just to serve their own selfish desires and end up using or abusing people. Remember what Abraham in the book of Genesis said to his wife, Sarah? "And when God had me wander from my father’s household, I said to her, ‘This is how you can show your love to me: Everywhere we go, say of me, “He is my brother.” ’ ” (Genesis 20:13). I don't think any wife would interpret that as an act of love, but Sarah did a good thing in that she submitted to Abraham. That was the right way to show her love. Later, God helped him to tell the truth, to not be afraid of people, and to have faith in God. I told my wife that this is how you can show your love to me: submit to me, even if I'm wrong. And God will honor you for doing what is right because we submit to Jesus--although, Jesus is never wrong! 

"If you love me, you will obey what I command" (15). What did he command? Chapters 13 and 14 are taking place at the same time, over a dinner table. Do you remember his command from chapter 13? He said, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another" (13:34). 

The heart of the message is loving Jesus. Obedience to his command comes out of one’s love for him. Loving one another is not just at the level between two people, but 3--Jesus, us, and one another. We obey as our way to love Jesus. It's not because other people are lovely. But it's because we want to love Jesus. so, loving other is independent of any particular person, but dependent on Jesus. Why is the new command hard in many cases? It's because we see the surface things of the people we are commanded to love. We see their mistakes and flaws and other ugly things. We see our own as well. But we look above to a higher level: which is Jesus and his love for us. So when we are loving one another according to his command, we are really loving Jesus--and each other. 

The basis for us loving him is how he loved us. And that is also the basis for us to love others. So, loving just as he loved us. Jesus' command and word is also different from others words and commands. He has the words of eternal life. Obeying his word has to be shown if we love him because he gives eternal life and we need to follow him. If we love the world, then we would obey the world. We obey because in love we trust that his command leads to eternal life. And as he said in the previous part of this chapter, he is the way to the Father. 

Here we can see what the promise of the Spirit is all about: getting hooked up to the Father. In verse 16 he calls the Spirit, "Another Counselor to be with you forever--the Spirit of Truth." Why did they need another counselor? It was because Jesus was leaving. 

In the previous passage, the beginning of John 14, we saw how distressed the disciples were about Jesus leaving them. They didn't know where he was going. They didn't know the way to get to where he was going. They didn't know that they knew about the Father (for the Father was in Jesus whom they knew and who reveals the Father). So Jesus taught them where he was going, how to get there, and that he had revealed the Father to them. But still he was leaving them and they were troubled. In today's passage Jesus tells them that he would continue to be with them through the Holy Spirit. And by the Holy Spirit, they would have not just a revelation about the Father, but a meaningful relationship with him.

Let's look at verses 17-21. "[17] the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. [18] I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. [19] Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. [20] On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. [21] Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.”

Look at the reality of the relationship for those who love Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit.

* Verse 17, "He lives with you and will be in you" <--we become the dwelling place for God's Spirit

* Verse 18, "I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you" <--Jesus being present with his disciples (although he was physically leaving them). Using the word “orphans” shows that Jesus took care of them like a father and his children. It also shows how much they were dependent on Jesus. They were grown men, but he said he would not leave them as orphans. There would not be a great sense of loss, such as that an orphan would feel not having parents. The opposite of being an orphan was true. Jesus said, “I will come to you.” Jesus is with us and in us by the Holy Spirit.

* Verse 19, "the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me."

* Verse 19, "Because I live, you also will live." <--the power of Jesus' resurrection and life is given as well

* Verse 20, "I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you."

* Verse 21, "He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him." 

We see here Jesus loving us and leading us to the Father. And from the Father sending the Spirit to those who love him so that we build a real and meaningful relationship with God.  It comes through loving him and obeying his command. Jesus was leaving, but he would be with them, and in them, in a new and better way by the Spirit. 

The way to build a relationship with God is to love Jesus and obey his commands. The fruit of this relationship is life, revelation and true security. So, we have to come to the Bible which tells us of his love for us and what his commands are. We have to secure these words of life. Verse 21 says, "whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me." So we have to get his commands and obey them. 

Verse 22 tells us that the disciples misunderstood and thought that the “whoever” in verse 21 only applied to them. Look at Judas’s question. 

“But, Lord, why do you intend to show yourself to us and not to the world?” 

What was Jesus’ reply? Look again at verses 23-24. “Jesus replied, ‘If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.’ ”

This promise of love and the Holy Spirit is for “anyone”. If anyone loves Jesus and obeys his teaching, the Father will love him and they will make their home with that person. And if one does not love Jesus he will not obey him and not receive the Spirit. 

So we do not need to feel at a loss that Jesus is not physically with us. Look how intimately he is with us by the Spirit. The Father and him will make their home with the person that loves and obeys Jesus. Look that he says they will make their “home” with that person. 

This is wonderful news for each of us because Jesus’ counseling and presence is not limited to his physical body in a physical location. He is with us and lives in us by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes Jesus wanted to spend time with and teach only three of his disciples, not together with the other nine. Well, those other nine got real jealous and fought with the three. We don’t have to worry about that kind of competition and limitation. The only thing we have to concern ourselves with is being prepared to receive the Holy Spirit. So, the word "home" sticks out here. 

When I invite others to my home, I usually have such a good time that I forget all about my worries and agendas and stress. Because the time together is so sweet. But here it says that the Father will love and make his home with the one who loves and obeys Jesus. He will make his “home” with that person. This is not like a guest house or a vacation house or a time share property. But it tells us that loving Jesus and obeying his teaching is the way God lives with us and in us. He comes to be with us and makes us his family. This means that each person can be God’s home. it is not about a building, but the person. So that God can live with us and work in and through us. And he extends his fellowship to the world through us. 

At the beginning of chapter 14 Jesus said that he was going to his Father’s house to prepare a room for the disciples (14:2). Now he says that he will make the home with us (and in us). So what is he preparing? Yes, us. The life together with the Father and Jesus begins now. They will come and make their home in anyone who has his commands and loves him and obeys him. 

This making our home with him is very striking. God dwelling with his people is one of the fruit of redemption. With the Israelites, God made a dwelling among them through the tent of meeting in the desert, the tabernacle, and later the temple. But there was a problem with that dwelling. There was a divider that separated the most holy place. No one except the high priest could enter in there, and he could only do that once a year to make atonement and sprinkle the blood. Otherwise, he would die. And at the end of the Bible we see the picture of the new Jerusalem. It is heralded as, "Now the dwelling of God is with men and he will be their God and live with them." It was what he was working towards in redeeming sinful man. To dwell with them and live with them. 

This is the picture we are seeing here in this passage; God making his home in a person. And who? It is not random. It is the one who loves Jesus and obeys his teaching. This is a very personal command and one that applies to the believing community. I could see many people gathering at different times all asking how we can improve our ministry from this year, how we can be more effective in the campus work, how we can improve our organization in Downey. Of course, we need God's presence and help. We need his power and truth and wisdom. So what can we do. We can love Jesus and obey his command to love one another. We have to love each as he loved us. Then we can expect a great work of the Holy Spirit among us. So we can't just make battle strategies, we have to make love relationships--we need love strategies and love practicing. Of course, it starts with each person accepting Jesus' love. And then it begins by extending the fellowship to others. Many times when we talk about loving others, we say it in the context of forgiving others, serving others, and being patient and bearing with one another. This is true. But we can go further. Love also does another important thing: it builds up. From now on we can seek to actively build each other up, more and more. I believe that Jesus will be pleased when we obey his command in this way. Personally, I repent of complaining about others and will seek to build others up instead, giving thanks to God for each person. 

This is Jesus' promise of the Spirit to those who love him and obey his commands. The Father will love that person and make his home in him, and Jesus will too. Then, out of God's love and presence by the Spirit, we will have power and all other necessary things to be his witnesses to the ends of the earth. When we love each other, we do so out of loving Jesus. And he promises to be with us, and the Father will love us and live in us too, by the Holy Spirit. So, if we don’t love each other, we won’t get the Spirit and this fellowship, and we’ll be lonely. But if we love each, then he will love us and make his home with us. 

Jesus' promise is good and it gives us peace. Let's look at verses 25-27.

[25] “All this I have spoken while still with you. 26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. [27] Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

We have peace because we have Jesus' promise which is good. When we hold to his word, we can control the heart so that it is not troubled and we can have faith, rather than fear. Think about the recent daily bread in Luke, where the disciples meet a storm at sea and Jesus is sleeping. Jesus wasn't troubled or afraid. He enjoyed a good nap. He probably was very tired. But the disciples were facing a storm and Luke says that their lives were in great danger! The attack of the wind and water was very real. They came to Jesus. But when Jesus got up, did he say, "Good job for coming to me! You passed the test!"? No, instead he said, "Where is your faith?" (Luke 8:25). The wind and waters were real. But Jesus is lord above them. They listen to his command. Jesus was not producing cry baby disciples, but people of faith. So when the wind and water hit, they are not troubled and are not afraid. 

So when the Holy Spirit comes to the disciples, he would teach them all things and remind them of everything Jesus said. We have the best teacher in him. Some people rely on other people so much, but we have to rely on God and listen to his word. The Holy Spirit is our teacher and counselor. 

He also works to remind us of Jesus’ teaching. I have found that when I have set myself to love and obey Jesus, sincerely, my memory is very good, especially to remember what Jesus has taught me and Bible verses that are very necessary and appropriate in a given situation. For example, when I become quick tempered at home, I know that the Spirit helps me by reminding me that he taught me that God is “compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love”. And my wife also works with the Spirit to remind me. 

Second, Jesus' personal struggle and example of love and obedience (28-31). 

Look at verses 28-31. [28] “You heard me say, ‘I am going away and I am coming back to you.’ If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I. [29] I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe. [30] I will not speak with you much longer, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold on me, [31] but the world must learn that I love the Father and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me.”

These verses tell us that Jesus set the example first. He loved and obeyed his Father. He did exactly all that the Father had commanded him. What was his Father’s command? It was to suffer and die on a cross for the sins of the world. 

So if we are wondering what it means to really love and obey Jesus, then we just have to look at Jesus and see his example, for he loved and obeyed his Father’s commands. For most of us, when we hear the call to obey commands, we feel bad. We don’t want to be bound like that. It doesn’t sound like love at first. But Jesus’ example shows otherwise. This part is very important for it shows us that Jesus had a real love relationship with his Father. Loving and obeying him is not a burdensome or one sided thing. He is not like a task master, as we see through is relationship with the Father that it is a real love relationship that is wonderful and powerful. 

The prince of this world, aka, the Devil, didn't punch Jesus. Jesus loved his Father and was obeying his command and laid down his life in obedience. The devil did not have any hold on Jesus. But love for the Father did. He set the example for us.

Now the disciples, who learn of Jesus’ love and obedience, even to the cross, should also have the same attitude that the world must know that we love Jesus and obey everything he commanded. Why? So that the world will believe in Jesus through them, showing themselves to be his disciples. When we love Jesus we obey his command. When we obey his command to love one another as he has loved then also teach the world about Jesus. Sometimes we just love our own, such as our kids and fellowship members. But we must love one another as he has loved us. 

Today’s passage teaches us that if anyone loves and obeys Jesus, God will love him and send the Holy Spirit to be with him, to make his home with him, to be his Counselor and Teacher. 

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