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David Anointed King Over Judah

  • by LA UBF
  • Sep 15, 2013
  • 1325 reads


David Anointed King Over Judah

2 Samuel 2:1-32

Key verse 4

Then the men of Judah came to Hebron, 

and there they anointed David king over the tribe of Judah.

Read verses 1-4a. What does David inquire of the Lord? (1a) What is the Lord’s answer? (1b) What does David ask further? (1c) What happens when he and his men settle in Hebron? (2-4a) How does David’s becoming king of Judah fulfill one of God’s prophecies? (4a, Ge 49:10)

Read verses 4b-7. What does David do when he is told that men from Jabesh Gilead had buried Saul? (4b-6) How does David encourage the men of Jabesh Gilead? (7)

Read verses 8-17.  How does Ish-Bosheth become king of Israel? (8-9, 1 Sam 14:50-51) How long does he reign? (10) Where does the first conflict between Judah and Israel take place? (11-13) What does Abner suggest that they do(14-16)?  What is the outcome of the battle? (17)

Read verses 18-32.  How does Joab’s brother Asahel die? (18-23) How do Abner and Joab bring a stop to the battle? (24-28) What are the results? (29-32) 

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