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Preach the Word

  • by LA UBF
  • Apr 06, 2014
  • 751 reads


Installment message April 6, 2014 by John Kwon in Los Angeles UBF

Installment message April 6, 2014 by John Kwon in Los Angeles UBF

“Preach the word”

Key Verse 2 Timothy 4:2

“Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.”

Should I say “Good evening or good afternoon”? I was wondering. Anyhow Good evening and good afternoon! The title for my installation message is “Preach the word”. As you see it comes from 2 Timothy 4:2. This is the word of God the Lord gave me as he anointed me as a new leader as chapter key verse and personal key verse as well. I want to share three things about God. First, God is God of salvation of all peoples on earth. Second, God is God of mercy. Third, God is God of remnant. 

First, God is the God of salvation of all peoples on earth. God sent missionary Isaac Kim to Los Angeles from Korea in 1982 with the key verse, Romans 1:5 “Through him and for his name’s sake we received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith.” I came to Los Angeles in 1982 April as well, but I met him in 1983. And I needed a bible teacher, spiritual mentor, and most of all a shepherd. When I asked him to have a bible study I felt a little bit awkward because I know he came to American native people and I was an American native people. So I felt that I was asking a little bit, I felt I was not worthy. But later I found that God is the God of salvation of all peoples on earth including myself. And his salvation reached out to me as well. 

Many times I heard from missionary Isaac Kim “We need to remember to go and make disciples of all nations, west coast campus pioneering prayer topics. We should never forget about it. We should remember it all the time. And sometimes I was amazed, thinking that, “How can I remember the prayer topic all the time? Shouldn’t I sleep as well?” (laughing) I have seen him 30 years or more but this prayer topic, God is God of salvation of all peoples, was always there in the heart of missionary Isaac Kim and was living, the fire of the Holy Spirit, all the time. If you are very close to someone and have fellowship 30 years you know what the person is thinking about many times. I never saw missionary Isaac was swayed from this prayer topic. This God is God of salvation of all peoples, God’s world mission command, was there all the time without any faltering at all. This is my personal testimony. And I was one of beneficiaries.

Second, God is God of mercy. God is really merciful. He reaches out to me. When I fist came to America in 1982 I thought American campuses were like Korean campuses in Seoul. So I went to the Cal State Long Beach, looking for the name “University Bible Fellowship”. I went to UCLA, looking for a name of a club, campus club, “University Bible Fellowship”. None was there. (laugh) The God of mercy was demonstrated in the life of missionary Isaac Kim the most. And Los Angeles chapter is very unique. I did not know. But after spending 30 years with him and knowing God our Los Angeles UBF is most liberal and at the same time most conservative. (laugh). How can a chapter be most conservative and most liberal? Most conservative because the Lord’s world mission command, God is God of salvation of all peoples, was there all the time. This is the original calling of UBF ministry. So in that sense, our LA UBF is most conservative. It was never swayed at all. Most liberal! Because God is God of mercy and God of mercy was demonstrated in the life of missionary Isaac for all people including myself. 

I know for sure, as a fact, I would not be here. (without the mercy of God in missionary Isaac). Do you think I am an able person? I don’t think so. I have so many weaknesses and shortcomings and missionary Isaac always bears me and encourages me. And that’s where I am here. That is how I became who I am. I also have seen the demonstration of God’s mercy through missionary Isaac Kim in the lives of many people here as well. I have seen him how to shepherd people in his entire life. 

One missionary was very hurt in Korea because he was pushed and demanded by his spiritual senior. So he came to LA. One day I had a conversation with him. After listening to his painful testimony I asked him, “Did you experience the same thing in LA?” I was very surprised by what he said, “Never! Not at all!” No one of people in LA UBF had ever had wounds and scars because of missionary Isaac’s pushing or demanding. Missionaries here jokingly say, “our problem is not demanding from missionary Isaac but too much freedom.” (laugh) He trusts us so much that he does not demand us at all. Even when Dr. Lee was alive it was a very miracle. So God is God of mercy and this merciful God was demonstrated in missionary Isaac’s life and I am one of beneficiary. 

Third, God is God of remnant. After I became to know that I would be a director, I thought about the future of our UBF ministry as a whole and LA UBF as well. What will happen to our UBF ministry as a general and LA UBF. What will happen? Will we be able to keep the name “University Bible Fellowship”? Or will our church disappear? Or what will happen in the future? 

I was reading the book of Haggai. God answered my prayer. Book of Haggai was God’s command given to Jewish returnees from Babylonian captivity through the prophet Haggai. This Jewish returnees from Babylonian captivity were few in number. When they came back to their home land they did not have even their own nation. They did not have houses to live in. They were small in number. So what did they do? They were trying to build some kind of shelter or bunglow houses or whatever they can sleep in. But God commanded them to build the temple of God first through the prophet Haggai. And I asked, “why?” If God wanted beautiful buildings or gorgeous temple he could have saved Solomon’s temple. But it was destroyed it because of the sin of people. Even if God asked the people of Haggai times to build the temple for him that temple also would be destroyed. And it was destroyed. And we know God does not need physical temple. So why does he ask such poor people who did not have even enough money to build their own houses to build the temple of God first? It looks like, God is like too much demanding. And at that moment God spoke to me. It is because God wants to build the kingdom of God in their hearts. 

God did not need physical temple. Even if the temple he requested would be destroyed. And they were poor. But God asked them to build his temple first because he wanted to build the kingdom of God in their hearts. So I realized that “Oh, this is, to build the kingdom of God, is what God is doing all the time throughout human history. When they are extremely poor by building the temple of God they demonstrated the kingdom of God will appear in their hearts because God would be the first in their lives. 

What amazes me the most was they obeyed. I was really amazed. At that very moment God spoke to me. “Whether our ministry remains, our title of our UBF ministry remains, I don’t know.” But one thing for sure God taught me was in each time and each generation and each city there will be a people chosen by God, loved by God, elected by God, (pause) “chosen by God, elected by God, there was one more thing but I forgot. (laugh) And these people may not be a majority of people. These people could be a small number of people. But there will be always. These people, called by God, loved by God, chosen by God, elected by God. I made four things this time. (laugh) 

And God’s will will be carried out through these people. So I don’t need to worry about it, what will happen in the future of our UBF ministry or in LA ministry. There will be always people chosen by God, loved by God, elected by God. I forgot one. (laugh) Called by God! (laugh) Thank you. (someone in the audience reminded the speaker). And God will carry his will through them. At the time of Haggai it was to build the temple of God first. 

With the revelation God changed my heart about how to see people here. Last November we had November Bible Conference. We wanted to have 40 days of prayer for this conference. So I came to the 5:30 am prayer meeting. And there were about 5 to 7 people to pray in the morning although we made an announcement. In the past, my thought was, “well, even the whole church comes in the morning and pray still it will be challenging. What about these 5 or 7 people? We should repent.” What was what I would have thought in the past. And I would not even pay attention to these people. Too small! But with the revelation of God’s remnant God changed my heart. When I saw them automatically I thought, “Wow! The Bible says, “if 2 or 3 people come together in my name I will be with them.” 2 or 3! But I had 5. (laugh) 7. “O Hurrah!” And I realized that they are God’s remnant as far as morning prayer goes. So I prayed with them. And those who attended November bible conference know how wonderful conference it was. Sh Terry’s life testimony was over than 1 hour. No one complained. (laugh) His life testimony was really demonstration of the love of God and what God has been doing in his entire life and all our lives. It was so clear! Everybody was so happy although I thought it was (could be) the last conference in my heart. 

When I look at my coworkers for fishing and 1:1 bible study, well, missionary Monica. She will be soon becoming 60 years old. I had a talking fellowship with her, 3.5 hours, straight without having dinner. She had so much things to share with me she did not want to have a dinner. She kept saying. After 3.5 hours of talking and out of millions of prayer topics I asked her, “What do you want me to pray for you? What is the one thing that you want me to pray for you?” And this is what she said. “I had many (phone) numbers (from students) last year. But students did not come to bible study. So please pray that my bible students whom I get telephone numbers from may come to 1:1 bible study.” That’s what she told me. I was amazed. She has millions of prayer topics including children, husband, her health. So many! But one prayer topic is ‘please pray that my bible students may come to 1:1 bible study with me.’ That was her prayer! One prayer that she asked me to pray for. I was really moved. To be very frank with you she is like one person with the fire of the Holy Spirit, fighting against general stream of this generation who does not value 1:1 bible study or bible. Praise God! For sure she is God’s remnant as far as fishing and 1:1 bible study goes. She goes to UCLA. There are many campuses near here. UCLA. One day I was coming from UCLA in traffic. Do you know how many hours it took? 2.5 hours. (laugh) from UCLA to here. Without traffic it takes a half an hour. But at that day I don’t know what happened. But it took 2.5 hours from UCLA to here. And she goes there all the time. 

So when I look at my coworkers this way, “Oh, there is God’s remnant as far as cleaning goes! O God’s remnant as far as cooking goes. Oh, there is God’s remnant as far as baby sitting goes.” So I could see God’s remnant. So God is God of remnant. 

So God is God of salvation of all people. So I was saved. God is God of mercy. That is how I was saved. And God is God of remnant. So I don’t need to worry about for the future of our ministry. Do you agree? (audience says) Yes. Do you agree (audience says with louder voice) Yes. Amen!

God will call people. God calls people. God has been calling people. God is calling people. God will call people; chosen by God, elected by God, loved by God, (pause a little), called by God (laugh). I do right this time. We don’t need to worry about it. 

Amazingly, you are one of them! Do you like it? You are one of these people; chosen by God, elected by God, loved by God, called by God. Do you believe that? You are! YOU ARE! Let’s say “How blessed I am!” Let’s say, one two three, (audience and speaker together) “How blessed I am!” You are loved by God, called by God, elected by God, (audience say ‘chosen by God’) chosen by God. (laughter) Thank you! Praise God! Me, too!; me too!

I know you want to hear prayer topics. I have two prayer topics. Each prayer topic has several parts, 2 or 3 parts. You all know. If you look at the prayer booklet in the dining room it’s all written in the front page. So you don’t need to try to write down anything.

Number one, and I will explain why it became a prayer topic. Number one prayer topic. Fire from God through the word of God and prayer may be given to each of us. This prayer topic is given because great work of God or revival of the work of God should start from God. So God should send spiritual fire through the word of God and prayer to us first. So the first prayer topic; spiritual fire through the word of God and prayer may be given to each one of us. Second part of the first prayer: love God and love one another. Love God with all our hearts, and love one another as Jesus has loved us. Pretty challenging command. But that is what the bible says. Love God with all our hearts, all our mind, will and strength; and love our neighbor as what? (together with audience and speaker) As Jesus has loved us. The third part of the first prayer is ‘give thanks in all circumstances’. ‘Give thanks in all circumstances’. Many times you want to know the will of God because it is not easy to know the will of God. So many times you say, “If I know the will of God I will obey”. But it’s so hard to know the will of God. To give thanks in all circumstances is the will of God for us in Jesus Christ. Amen? (audience) Amen! To give thanks in all circumstances. We complain too much. Let’s not to complain but try to give thanks in all circumstances. 

The second prayer: there are some parts. The first part of the second prayer is: fishing, 1:1 bible study, making disciples of all nations. Fishing, 1:1 bible study, and making disciples of all nations. We are commanded by our King Jesus “preach the word” and very useful and practical ways is fishing and 1:1 bible study and making disciples of all nations. Our ministry is very good because of the prayer topic to make disciples of all nations. That’s why we are united together regardless of age, race; making disciples of all nations. And this 1:1 bible study includes not only college students but our own children as well. It is very important to have bible study with our children. 

And another prayer topic is: honor those who make environment such as intercessory prayer, cleaning center, repairing center, baby sitting, cooking, making music, giving ride and driving; because we are all pursuing to preach the word as a body of Christ. We are one body of Christ with many functions. So we need to honor those; we need to recognize those and we need to honor those servants who could be greater than anyone else. 

To be very frank with you, I think, I learned this expression from shepherd Terry. To be very frank with you, he says many times. To be very frank with you one thing that God put in my heart among all prayer topics is ‘1:1 bible study with great thanks’. Why thanks? To have 1:1 bible study means, first of all, you are healthy enough to move around. (laugh) Secondly, you are so blessed to know God personally. Thirdly, you are so blessed to know the bible personally. Fourthly, you are so blessed to be God’s instrument to lead someone to salvation of the person. There could be one or two more thanks topics but I forgot. 

Why 1:1 bible study with great thanks? Because so many complains. Why 1:1 bible study not group bible study? Why 1:1? You know ‘counting performance’ etc. many complaints. No! 1:1 bible study with great thanks. And I want to present the prayer topic for 3,000 weekly 1:1 bible studies. With Dr. Allen Wolff, I told him “I should not make a mistake by saying ‘$3,000.00’ 3,000 because when I talked with him I mistakenly said, three thousand dollars. (laugh) I didn’t make mistake this time. 3,000; weekly; 1:1 bible study to preach the word in obedience to our King Jesus’ command to preach the word; to be used by God to save people; to be influential to other lives. 

Why do I present this prayer topic? 3,000. Looks like very unlikely. I am sure you don’t feel any burden at all because it is too big. (laugh) I know. If I know you would feel burden I would not present it. But since you don’t feel any burden I will present it anyhow. Why 3,000? Are you okay? (audience says) Okay. I am not crazy? The reason I ended up presenting this prayer topic is because I know God answers our prayers. 

So this will be recorded in God’s book and our records. And sometime later, in the future, I don’t know how long, some people will recognize, hopefully it’s me and you; “Wow! It has been fulfilled! It has been fulfilled! Praise God! One guy said in 2014 April 6th. Now it has been fulfilled!” So they will know the power of prayer. So I am saying this numbers not to count our bible students as mere numbers something, God knows (I do not mean) but to see, experience, and know the power of prayer. Let’s pray! Let’s have a privilege and great joy to see this prayer topic to be fulfilled in our lives! Hopefully sooner! (laugh) How long? I don’t know. You ask God. I think that’s about it. 

So ‘preach the word’: 3,000; weekly; 1:1 bible studies with great thanks. You are chosen by God, loved by God, elected by God, called by God. I do right this time. And me too! So we have such a privilege to be used by God; to preach the word; to all peoples on earth; become God’s instrument to save all peoples on earth. How blessed people we are! Let’s say one more time. “I am so blessed!” Let’s say. One, two, three. “I am so blessed!” You are called by God, elected by God, chosen by God, (together) loved by God. Amen! 

One word: 3,000 not $3,000.00. 3,000; weekly; 1:1 bible study with what? (audience say) Great thanks! (speaker) Not just thanks. “Great thanks!” Let’s say “Great thanks!” One, two, three, (altogether) “Great thanks!” Amen! Let’s pray. 




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