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I Called to the Lord

  • by LA UBF
  • May 18, 2014
  • 725 reads


The Lord Is My Deliverer

2 Samuel 22:1-20

Key verse 22:2

He said: “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer”

  1. Read verse 1. What does David do when the Lord delivered him from his enemies and from the hand of Saul? What do you think of this? (Psalms 18:1)

  2. Read verses 2-4. How does David describe the Lord? (2-4) What do you think about each of these names?

  3. Read verses 5-16. What had been happening in David's life? (5-6) What does David do in his distress? (7a) Where does the Lord hear his prayer? (7b) What does the Lord do for him?(8-16)

  4. Read verses 17-20. How did God rescue David? (17-19) Why did God rescue him? (20b)  What do you think David's song shows about God?

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