Wanted : English Bible Teachers in Kiev

  • by UBF HQ
  • Nov 25, 2014
  • 2249 reads

Dear Friends,

I want to take this time to thank God and all the brothers and sisters who have prayed for me and Abraham Song during the university years in C. Throughout 4 years, God has taught me important lessons about life in a variety of aspects. Thankfully, under the guidance of brother P., our student church is doing well and prospering. Please continue to pray for Patrick. After my internship in Moscow, I decided to stay one year in Kiev, Ukraine, to better prepare myself for my upcoming PhD studies. In September, with several of church members from Kiev UBF, we began an English Club. I was very much inspired by Mother Barry's biography and her method of sharing the gospel of Christ through English Bible studies back in her youth. God blessed our initiative beyond our expectations. Currently, we have over 500 registered members, and in the span of several weeks our weekly attendance at Christian English club reached 30-40 people. Our audience is composed mainly of high school, undergrad, graduate students, academicians, and young professionals in their early 20s, who are eager to learn English. So far, our lessons were composed of relevant topics and questions of life, followed by discussions regarding the Scriptures. Our church, decided to launch a new project on Sundays to attract students to youth service composed of lecture and discussion. Some of the members acknowledged their interest in God's Word. Meanwhile, we are trying to befriend them though various engagements. Along with this blessing, we have realized that demand is higher than supply. Until now, we have a very limited number of English Bible teachers who could lead the discussions, yet demand is growing steadily every week. At this point, we have realized that at this rate, we will not be able to continue to function properly. Thus, I would like to request our UBF youth and second gens to consider participating in God's wonderful work in Kiev UBF as voluntary temporary missionaries starting from December or January.

Selection Criteria

  1. A candidate must be from USA or Canadian UBF chapters.
  2. The minimum age is 19 years old.
  3. The minimum time of mission work is 6 months or 3 months during the summer.
  4. The candidate must be a confessing and practicing Christian and have adequate knowledge of the Scriptures.

Upon further questions and interest please email: josephkiev@gmail.com

Thank you for your consideration.