Moody Park’s Retirement Testimony, Ansung UBF, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Nov 25, 2014
  • 2056 reads

"I am doing a new thing! …the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise." (Isaiah43:19-21)

I praise and thank God for enabling me to have my retirement ceremony by his one-sided grace on Oct. 18, 2014 since serving God for about 42 years as a shepherd of God' flock.

I thank God with all my heart who made me most blessed and happiest in his grace and love because I now could see those who have great desire to promote the succession and development of Ansung UBF ministry. They will hold on to the God who is doing new things in training themselves to have an absolute attitude toward God in love, and in creative campus pioneering work full of thanks giving. 

Now God also encouraged me to go and pioneer a new campus. My life key verse is Mark10:45 "Even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” I am so happy to see many disciples who hold on to the key verse as their own life key verse obeying and learning Jesus' servant ship, some who are shepherding God's flock and some who are preparing their Bible conferences in reading  the copy of my life testimony.

Through this l learned that God works for the good of those who love him.

I am so happy for my spiritual sons who said they are proud of me because I am serving campus students through one to one Bible study even in my old age with my white hair. Among them M. Mark Yoon in Kenya UBF gave me a congratulation letter for my retire ceremony.

It said "Dear Sh. Moody! I congratulate you on your retirement with all my heart. It is great a blessing for me to have you as my spiritual father in my life. You helped me to overcome my sin problem in the gospel, and taught me to have a good shepherd- ship in the father like love of Jesus. I vividly remember that you had encouraged me to live a shepherd life teaching Bible with campus students even in the old age with white hair when I was wandering in fear for my future direction. Just as you helped me to become a useful man of God when I was wretched and useless I will also pray for you continue to live a precious shepherd life bringing lost souls one by one to Jesus the rest of your life. I believe that the happiest life is to learn and be imitating the image of Jesus Christ."- From Mark Yoon, Kenya UBF

I praise God for verifying that my 42 years of shepherd life was not in vain but was blessed and the happiest in Christ Jesus our Lord. I also express all of my appreciation to all the servants who are out of Moody fellowship and serving the Lord throughout the world for their serving, love and respecting me and for relying on me as a servant of the Lord though I was like a wanderer of the street.

Now I am expecting God's greater blessings and happiness in me in the coming New Year 2015 because God has done great things, one blessing after another for my family and ministry.

I earnestly pray that God may enable each one of us to give him glory and to please him through our happy shepherd life. For the coming Thanksgiving Day I really give thanks and praise to God for his one sided-grace and blessing upon my family and ministry. I also express my deep appreciation to all the mission coworkers throughout the world who prayed, served and loved me though I don’t deserve it because I am a sinner full of faults.  

Thank you very much! 

We are debtors in Christ,

Moody & Maria Park ​