The First Historical Rwanda UBF Bible Conference

  • by WMD
  • Nov 12, 2014
  • 1918 reads

Dear coworkers in Christ,

I praise and thank God for the 1st historical Rwanda UBF Bible conference. This conference took place at Shalom Guest house of Butare, Rwanda from October 31 to November 2. We designed this conference to introduce our ministry and Bible study to Rwandan campus students. There is no UBF missionary in Rwanda currently, so we began to send our leaders to help Rwandan campus students since last December. And we tried to register UBF as a campus Christian organization. Two leaders from Makerere chapter were sent last January, March, May, and September to help Rwandan brethren with God's words and follow up registration. During their visit some students had Bible study and fellowship. As a result, two brothers attended last Easter Bible conference in Jinja, Uganda.

The theme of this conference was "What is my identity?" Based on this theme this conference was prepared with three clear prayer topics:

  1. For Rwanda brothers and sisters: to plant God's word in their hearts so that they may have clear spiritual identity through this conference,
  2. For Ugandan leaders: to widen their hearts and vision so that they may have world mission vision and faith,
  3. May God grant us clear direction for Rwanda mission: find the way how to help Rwandan campus students continuously.

Rwanda Bible conference serving team was composed of 11 coworkers of Uganda. They were Patrick, Michael, Patience, Zacchaeus, James, David Lu, Luke Hong Jr, Luke Lim from Makerere chapter and Samuel Yoo, John and Sarah from Kyambogo chapter. We used a public night bus. Though we were tired from more than 13 hours journey by road from Kampala to Butare, we were so happy to see thirsty and humble young campus souls.

Opening message was delivered by Dr. Patrick with a title, "The Call of Abraham" In his message he shared how God called him and made him great and a source of blessing to many people. The main lecture 1 message was delivered by Dr. Luke Lim based on Ezra 7 with the title, "How Can I Find My Spiritual Identity?" Ezra's decision to study the Bible ignited a spiritual revival in his people. When we find our spiritual identity through committed Bible study and teaching and observance, we can live a fruitful and victorious Christian life. John shared his graceful life testimony. He testified how he could have clear spiritual identity as God's child and his servant. The main lecture 2 was delivered by Msn. David Lu based on Romans 12 with the title, "New Lifestyle in Jesus." He taught us what kind of life we should live as we have a new identity as the children of God. Sarah shared a heart-moving life testimony. She shared how she forgave her uncle who wanted to kill her and restored the relationship and became a source of blessing in her family.

More than 20 Rwandan brethren attended this conference. At the end of the conference UBF Rwanda HUYE campus students’ committee was formed. This committee will follow up UBF registration process and facilitate Bible study and fellowship with other Rwandan campus students who want to study God's words. Msn. David and Zacchaeus made decisions of faith to visit Butare campus once a month to help these students with intensive Bible study. May God send one missionary family to Rwanda so that many thirsty Rwanda campus students may grow steadily in the word of God. We pray that God may raise excellent Bible teachers in Rwanda so that Rwanda may be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.

Dr. Luke Hyunsuk Lim