Update of little Daniel Kim Campinas UBF, Brazil

  • by WMD
  • Nov 06, 2014
  • 1175 reads

Seemingly his physical condition is stable now. His muscles became soft and he is sleeping well during the night and at daytime his eyes open with a peaceful face and even smiling sometimes.(He is still in a coma situation).

Actually, we had a plan to have him discharged last Monday and to begin home care at my home because he has shown no symptoms of seizures. But it is being delayed now because his doctor discovered that part of his liver is damaged, though the function of his liver is normal. The doctor is going to take a liver biopsy. Please pray that his liver somatic index may get well. He is still taking one of the muscle relaxants to prevent the symptoms of seizures.

As for Our daughter, Gloria, she restored her psychological stability since M. Deborah's parents came to help us. We thank God for leading us thus far with his great grace and mercy. We pray that we may rely on God only in every moment.

We appreciate you all for your prayer support for Daniel and Campinas ministry. Please pray that our new center may be used by God as a prayer house, raising many disciples of Jesus among young campus souls in Brazil.

We pray also for M. Paulo (director) and M. Sarah Kim to be filled with the Holy Spirit and their sacrifice be accepted by God as five loaves and two fish for Jesus' name sake. Again please pray for Daniel’s liver somatic index to get well.

In the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Andrew & Deborah Kim