CME in Melbourne UBF, Australia

  • by WMD
  • Nov 05, 2014
  • 2646 reads

M. John Jun and Sarah Sunji Jun arrived at Melbourne airport on the 27th of October. Even though they had served Sydney, Macquarie and Canberra chapters for 4 weeks, they looked healthy and were full of spiritual energy. The main lectures started from the 28th of October. Since then we gathered every night at 7:30 and listened to M. John Jun’s lectures.

The first lecture was based on Ephesians 1:1-23.  We learned how blessed we were that we are chosen by God’s grace in Christ as his sons and daughters. We were reminded of God’s grace of redemption through Jesus Christ. Finally, we realized our spiritual blessings were beyond our knowledge. We became God’s heirs and will inherit his kingdom, eternal life, blessings, God’s promises and pleasure and joy in New Jerusalem. Through the first lecture, missionaries in Melbourne were able to renew our spiritual identity. We were full of thankful hearts for God’s spiritual blessings.  

The second lecture was based on Ephesians 2:1-10. We learned we were saved by God’s one sided grace, where before we were enemies of God and spiritually dead due to our sins. We accepted why we lived to good work in God’s sight. The most successful life is when we are completing our God given mission. This life lived for God’s good work makes one’s life happy and meaningful. During the day, missionary John and Sunji Jun visited campus (Latrobe and Melbourne University) and prayed for each campus’ pioneering ministry. We also tried some Udon at the campus canteen along with the students.

The third lecture was based on Ephesians 2:11-22. By the blood of Jesus, God destroyed the barrier of sin and made peace with us. Nothing can hinder our unity in Christ because God made us one. We discussed the matter of unity in each ministry and reached the conclusion that we can make peace with anyone when we fix our eyes on Jesus. Praise and thank God who made peace and unity through the blood of Jesus.

The next day, we listened to a lecture based on Galatians 5:16-26.  We realized the importance of a life that is led by the Holy Spirit. In order to receive the Holy Spirit, we should pray to God.

On the last day, missionary John Jun gave us a special lecture titled, “Children’s Education.”  We came to know that parents are just stewards for God’s given children. For the right education, we should show them good and godly examples rather than preaching a thousand of words.

Finally all missionaries wrote their testimonies and shared it with one another. We thank God for sending missionary John Jun and Sunji Jun to Australia and granting us CME. Their unceasing passion for God’s ministry and love for missionaries challenged and inspired us. Thank God for David Park from Canberra who joined Melbourne CME.

May God continue to help his servants to continue their good works in Auckland, New Zealand!