Korea UBF Fall Staff Conference

  • by WMD
  • Nov 04, 2014
  • 1832 reads

Korea UBF held its fall staff conference with 73 staff shepherds from throughout the nation on Oct 27-29th, 2014 at Daemyoung resort at Byunsan in Korea.

At the first day we had GBS based on Deuteronomy 14:1-16:7 entitled “You are the Holy people of the Lord” and Psalm107:1-22 entitled “Give thanks and sacrifice of praise to the Lord”. Through the GBS we learned that we who are people of the Lord ought to live holy lives before God, setting apart from ungodly people in the world. We also could give thanks to God in remembrance with the Lord who has given us his one-sided grace and who has done great things among us during the year 2014.

At the second day morning we went up for see-sighting of autumn colors at Naejang Mountain. In the afternoon we also had time of loving fellowship and rest in going around of the seawall of Samankuem and Chaeseokgang cliff.

As for the special lecture, at the first night Sh. Stephan Ahn gave the lecture based on Colossians 2:21-23). In the lecture, certain false teachers of Colossi church had insisted a philosophy of religion that consists of human traditions and centers on the basic principles of this world such as asceticism and celibacy and its false fullness of lives.

 But Apostle Paul boldly testified to the church “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.  For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.” (Colossians 2:8-10).

Likewise, our Christian lives of fullness should not be a theory but being a practical lives of fullness in Christ Sh. Stephan stressed. He also encouraged each of us to put it into practice of using decent and self-disciplined language in our home in love of Christ as shepherds of God's flocks.

Following the lecture many actively participated in Q & A with the speaker having great desire to learn.  The way to have full lives in Christ is to be full of the word of God. That is why most of attendees discussed and suggested about how we can each have more profitable Bible study in the future.  Among them one suggestion was that each of us have a deep subject centered Bible study. After choosing the subject to study we should then present it at the next conference.

There was an appropriate example of a deep Bible study from our staff shepherd. He was shepherd Seungwon Kim ( Wonchun UBF). He testified that he could feel of fullness of life in his heart as he had concentrated on deep Bible study of the introduction of Deuteronomy until he became sick with a boil that came out on his butt.

At the end Sh. David Kim (Korea UBF director) gave us a direction that each one of our staff members is to take one book of Bible for deep Bible study and is to bring the result of their Bible study to the next and every staff conference and present it. The purpose of having this is to make each staff member a specialist of each book of the Bible and to support world mission work. In this matter he will also spare no cost for about it.

We thank God for granting us to have good rest spiritually and physically through the conference, and for blessing us to have a meaningful conference giving developmental direction for deep Bible study for the future. 

Abraham Suh