The First Rwandan UBF Bible Conference

  • by WMD
  • Oct 27, 2014
  • 1418 reads

Please pray for the 1st UBF Rwandan Bible conference 2014

We are going to host the Rwanda Bible Conference at Butare, Rwanda since we have been praying for pioneering Rwanda UBF. More than ten co-workers from Makerere UBF and Kyambogo UBF chapters will serve this conference. Please refer to the program below and pray for the conference.

Prayer topics:

  1. For Rwanda brothers and sisters to plant God's word in their hearts so that they may have clear spiritual  identity through this conference
  2. For Ugandan leaders to widen their hearts and vision to have world mission vision and faith
  3. May God grant us clear direction for Rwandan mission and find a way how to help Rwandan campus students continuously

Serving team:

  • Makerere: Patrick, Michael, Patience, Zachaeus, James, David Lu, Grace Kang, Luke Hong Jr, Luke Lim
  • Kyambogo: Samuel Yoo, John, Sarah
  • Messengers: Patrick (Genesis 12), Luke Lim (Ezra 12), David Lu (Romans 12)
  • GBS leaders: Patrick, Michael, David Lu, Luke Lim
  • Life Testimony Speakers: James, Grace Kang, Sarah

Dr. Luke Lim, Uganda