Update of little Daniel Kim & Campinas ministry, Brazil

  • by WMD
  • Oct 16, 2014
  • 1367 reads

Part 1 Campinas UBF News

We thank God for letting us to have our first Sunday worship service on Oct 5th at new and beautiful center Building  since we moved in from the old center.

M. Paulo and Sarah worked hard until they became ill from the moving and from all the preparation of worship environment in the new house. May the Lord who know our needs, send many faithful prayer co workers and build up our ministry.

May this house be a house of prayer and a home of God' lost sheep in Brazil campuses.

Currently  Thais (food engineering  Phd course first semester) and Maira  (Electrical engineering 1) are faithful to our Sunday worship service.
There are also students’ names, Maira, Ruanna and Suely (Science 2) have been faithful to GBS at the school.

We also pray for three second gens (of M. Paulo and Sarah) Anna, Joan and Sungeun (she is preparing college entrance exam) to be firm in the faith. M. Sarah needs to be restored to full health. Please pray for her health. We pray that God may send 12 friends of faith to us. M. Paulo’ Exodus  Sunday message preparation.

Part 2: Update of Daniel Kim

As for Daniel about two weeks ago he had suffered due to an allergy caused  red blotches and hives on all of his body, his liver somatic index was getting worse because of that his doctor stopped an injection of one of the two muscle relaxants.

Though his doctor was concerned that the symptoms of seizures would return back to him, he stopped one of the muscle relaxants, he is still ok. His body became little bit hardened in the last week.  Last night he had partial symptoms of seizures and then his doctor medicated through his nose. He continually needs prayer support.

For the last three days he seemed to be sleeping well at night and in the daytime he is waking up. This appears to be a restored stable rhythm.  He has been able to move his bowels in 2 or 3 days now since he had to get an enemata.

We believe these are good signs that the hand of the mighty God is with Daniel. With prayer we continue to hold on to the promised words "in all things God works for the good of those who love him" and “You will know that I am the Lord".

Our earnest prayer is that God may have mercy on him letting him to be woken from his coma and be discharged from the hospital. We are asking for your continuing prayer support for Daniel in Christ in accordance with last Sunday message EX17:11-12. 11 As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning--  When Moses’ hands grew tired---, Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset."

May God strengthen the hands of two families of Campinas UBF so that God may do great salvation work for Daniel and in Campinas UBF. 

In regards home care service by God's grace the insurance decided to cover the high cost of food "Dieta" for Daniel  ". But we will continue to let Daniel be saying at the hospital until he be woken from the coma and be discharged.

Currently M. Deborah's parents came from Korea for helping us in many ways.

We pray for them to accept Jesus Christ as their savior. 

 Prayer topics of Campinas UBF:

  1. M. Paulo Kim' Exodus message preparation
  2. May the new center building a house of prayer and a home of God' lost sheep in Brazil campuses.
  3. May the Lord send many faithful prayer co workers and build up our ministry.
  4. May God send 12friends of faith to us(Thais ,Maira, Ruanna and Suely)

Prayer topics for Daniel :  May Daniel  be woken from the coma and be discharged.