2011 Latin Directors Conf. Report

  • by WMD
  • Feb 07, 2011
  • 909 reads


(1 SAMUEL 7:3)


Latin Directors’ conference was held in a Rain Forest region called Gamboa on February 3-5. It was located around 2 hours from Panama City. It was over 90 degrees and we felt strange to hear that Chicago had 2 feet of heavy snow. On the way back and forth we saw the Panama Canal, which was completed in 1914. It connects the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean. The huge 10 floor big container ships were passing by. We remembered Jesus as the only canal between the kingdom of God and people on earth. All 41 directors and guests from 20 countries attended the conference.

The highlight was the word of God. We found that a paradise like environment cannot make us better or holy but only the word of God. Dr. John Jun served the message with a new spirit. Forgetting about his 7 times messages in other continents; he tirelessly delivered the message about “Revival in Mizba!” He planted one word, “To get rid of the idols and serve God only!” M. Juan Seo translated with the same spirit. Many were moved and wrote deep testimonies and shared in 4 groups. The second message was given by S. Moses Kim from Philippians 2, “To have the mind of Jesus.” His humorous and meaningful message touched the hearts of many of us too. We realized that the spiritual revival must begin with my repentance as a shepherd.

The opening message was given by Latin Director M. Timothy Rhee. He compared our lay missionary as today’s Noah. M. Esteban Cho delivered a closing message from Paul’s shepherd life. We learned without shedding tears no disciple making!

A special lecture was given by a Panama Local leadership consultant about “leadership.” After two hours of lecture we came to see that Jesus is the most ideal leader. The issue is how much we follow him in our real life! We were happy to see that we have a true leader whom we can imitate all our life time.

We had time to consult about future directors’ meeting. We will meet in two groups due to the long distance and high cost in Latin continent. One will be held in Mexico and another in Brazil. Our missionaries’ wives and coworkers will also have a chance to attend to these conferences.

Around 25 mission reports were very heart moving. Many confessed hardships but all claimed victory in Jesus. A special solo by M. Pablo of Costa Rica and a duet by M. David Kang of Honduras and Juan Kim of Nicaragua while M. John Rhee played violin and M. Maria served as a pianist. We all appreciated our special guests: Moses Km from AnAm, Dr. James and Kyung Hee Suh from Kyung Sung, Youngil and Hyun Jung Kim from KwanAk 5 to support M. Juan Baek’s one house church in many ways. M. Maria Lee came all the way from Korea while M. John Lee is treating his illness. M. Josue and Ana Ham brought S. Gilberto and Edward with them. Isidro of El Salvador, Jorge from Dominican Republic, and Efrain from Peru were also made the conference more meaningful with M. DK of Argentine.

We prayed for the upcoming 50th anniversary in Korea. We prayed that God may revive Latin America to be a missionary sending continent.
