2011 CIS Directors Conf. Report

  • by WMD
  • Feb 08, 2011
  • 1167 reads

The CIS Directors Conference was held in a hotel at the southern region of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt with 48 attendants. It was a heart moving conference.

Dr. Peter K. delivered the opening message (1Cor 13) with many tears. Then, 13 local chapters reported in English on their ministries. In the evening, Dr. Mark Y. and Dr. Jose A. gave presentations on discipleship ministry in the CIS and second-generation education.

On second day, before noon, Dr. John J. delivered a powerful message on 1 Sam 7:2-17. Afterwards, all the missionaries met to share their reflections, many of them with tears in repentance of their own idols. At night Dr. James S. gave a very gracious message entitled “Have the Same Mindset as Christ Jesus” based on Philippians 2:1-11. In his message, he emphasized humility and valuing others as better, which is how we can co-work in ministry.

On the third day, Stephen K. delivered a message entitled “You are the Pleasing Aroma of Christ” (2 Cor. 2:15).

During the conference, it became clear that our missionaries have become poor in spirit through struggling to serve God’s ministry in the difficult economic situation of the CIS. Through this, they accepted the words of God as a sponge absorbs water and their hearts were burning because of God’s grace. Before the conference, we visited the Holy Land of Exodus in the Old Testament and climbed up Mount Sinai (2300m) where Moses received the 2 tablets of Ten Commandments. God’s grace overflowed in our hearts ever since then. All of the missionaries in the CIS took on the new direction to not ask for help from Korea, but to independently pioneer the 15 countries of the CIS.

Dr. John J. gave us the following prayer topics:

1. To repent of our personal idols and have spiritual revival and build up an altar of intercessory prayer for    campus intellectuals like the prophet, Samuel
2. Pioneer the 15 countries of the CIS
3. To pray for Korea UBF’s 50th Anniversa
