Kharkiv UBF Mission Report, Ukraine

  • by WMD
  • Feb 08, 2011
  • 989 reads

Unshakable servant of God

Ps. 55:22
"Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall."

1. The word of God

In 2010 we studied Exodus. Through this Bible study we realized that in the center of God’s people life should be God. God is the source of all goodness and blessing. When we give him first place in our lives he blesses us whatever situation is around. In the end of the year we began John’s Gospel Bible study. Few students began to come to us so we are praying for them to meet Jesus personally through this Bible study.

2. New family arriving.

In the March of 2010 God blessed Kharkiv UBF with one more pioneer’s family – David & Victoria from Kyiv UBF. Jacob & Joan of Arc served here during 7 years before and expressed many difficulties of lonely serving. But once David and Vicka came we realized that there is a very huge difference to have one or two families. David’s family became a good support for Kharkiv UBF and brought to us new spirit. We rented a wonderful place for church on the campus. David, who is computer programmer, is working there almost full time. Their two relatives – Mark and Dasha entered to Kharkiv University this summer and joined our church. David helps Jacob with messages and Vicka helps Joan of Arc with music.

3. Some campus projects

In this year we made some tries to reach students of the campus where we are serving. These days seems like a time when it is difficult to influence or to invite totally strange people, so we thought how we could make friends with students and be more open for them. We had two projects. First was “breakfast with Pastor”. We invited students for breakfast and Bible discussions. Brother Pasha came through this effort and started Bible study. And second was “Bible cafe”. Two times we had some special services in a café which is located right inside the campus. Few people could hear the Gospel through it. And the last few times we had public worship services with message reading on the campus.

4. The direction for 2011

Because we had so few sheep last year we tried to concentrate on invitation. But once the year had come to the end we realized that we should follow not human ways but God’s way of bringing fruits. This way is to remain in Jesus Christ. The main problem is not in methods or in our postmodern times but in our hearts which are not really ready to be used by God. We should have spiritual desire toward God, to know him and have hot hearts for him. Then we could be unshakable God’s servants who are able to fight against postmodern spirit. We took Ps. 55:22 as our key verse for 2011: Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.

We wanted to learn how to pray and build the relations where God’s love and joy are hot and to be open for others.

Prayer topics:

1. For John Gospel Bible study
2. To grow as men and women of prayer, to love the Lord, his word and each other
3. Abraham and Sarah of faith in Karasin University. For Mark, Dasha and Pavel to meet Jesus, love his word and to join his church wholeheartedly.