Riga, Latvia Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Feb 08, 2011
  • 995 reads

The year was Hebrews 12:2, 'fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith'. I thank God who helped me to adapt a new mission field by focusing on Jesus. I pray to give thanks to God for what he has done this last year.

1. God helped me to solve my visa issue through the university. When I first came to Latvia, I did not have a basis to stay long but I tried to enter the university and begin school this month. God helped me to receive short-term residency permits.
2. God helped me to participate in the CIS Directors' Conference in Odessa for the first time.
3. Thank God helped me make friends with students through playing tennis at the university.
4. Thank God who allowed me to visit Kiev and have fellowship with coworkers there.
5. God helped us find a suitable building for our house church
6. After moving into our new home, Barnabas and Timothy from Moscow came and visited with their families.
7. God blessed our opening worship ceremony, sending many guests who blessed us in prayer
8. After worship ceremony, some delegations visited Stockholm by cruise.
9. I'm thankful for the serving of missionary J. and his family.
10. In summer, God helped me to visit three Baltic countries through traveling and to gained God’s vision for these lands.
11. Thankful that I could attend the Moscow and St. Petersburg summer Bible conference.
12. Thank God who let us find a kindergarten class for E. in September.
13. Thankful for studying Isaiah at our Sunday worship services.
14. God had mercy on during Christmas to share fellowship with John J's family in Stockholm UBF.
15. Thank God for protecting the health of my family last year.
16. Although I didn't have a job, God gave us necessary materials and helped us to live by His grace.

My verse for 2011 is Philippians 2:5, "In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus." I pray that I may imitate the humility of Jesus as a direction for this next year. The following are my prayer topics.

1. Prayer life and personal Bible study
2. Latvian language study
3. Weekly Mark's gospel study
4. Campus visiting
5. Raise student leaders
6. Five year residency permit and a suitable job