Panama Campus Visiting and SWS report

  • by WMD
  • Feb 09, 2011
  • 793 reads

Dr. John Jun, Sunji Jun and all of the Latin American directors from 18 countries (32 from 23 chapters) with 9 guests visited Panama University after the Latin Directors’ Conference. We prayed that God would raise one Abraham of faith and 12 disciples and make Panama a missionary sending nation. We also visited the Panama Canal that connects the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean. We saw great vision for Panama that she can be a bridge or a canal between our God in heaven and the people on earth.

On Sunday our remaining members attended Sunday worship service. M. Jose Ahn gave a message from Matthew 4:11-22, “I will make you fishers of men.” Oliver, Alexander, Juan Carlos, Charlie, Norlando and sister Yasibelt with M. Juan and Susanna Baek sang a special song. M. Juan Baek said it was the first time Panama had so many attendants on Sunday Worship Service in 10 years. We prayed for Dr. John Jun, North America Staff conference on Feb 24-26 and 50th anniversary of UBF in May 29. We finished with the Lord ’s Prayer wishing that God raise Panama a shepherd nation and a kingdom of priests and holy nation as a canal between God and men.
