2010 Oceania Summer Conf. Report by Dr. John Jun

  • by WMD
  • Feb 12, 2011
  • 1163 reads

Thank God for blessing the 2010 Oceania Summer Conference abundantly. The total number of attendees was about 93 (Adults 68, HBF 25) from 5 chapters in Australia and New Zealand, including 3 from Korea and 3 from the USA. Among them, 10 Australian students and 17 Chinese students attended.

The work of God is very active among Chinese students in Canberra and Macquarie in Australia. From Canberra, 10 Chinese students attended and from Macquarie, 7. In Canberra, David (Medical school 2), and in Macquarie, Maria, have been shepherding them diligently, and they are growing as spiritual leaders.

On the first day, Jacob Kim and Nehemiah Kim delivered the opening and evening messages respectively. Their messages were heart moving, and some students brought their friends. On the second day, Joe delivered a main message based on John 19:1-37 titled, “It is finished.” An evening message was delivered powerfully by Moses based on John 15. After that, there was a program titled, “The Night of Oceania,” which included a dance, drama, and some other performances.

On the last day, a message based on John 21 that was full of God's grace was delivered by Peter. Overall, Oceania ministry has been growing by leaps and bounds. For instance, 5 more Australian students attended than last year. Also, as mentioned, the work of God is advancing among Chinese students.

Please pray for the missionary conference from Dec. 6-7. Thank you.
