Belize UBF Mission Report and Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Feb 15, 2011
  • 1127 reads

Make Disciples

I. 2010 Review

According to Matthew 6:10 “Your kingdom come!” we prayed for the kingdom of God to come to Belize. We prayed that Jesus might rule the hearts of UB students. And we prayed also to raise up disciples of Jesus so that his kingdom may grow strong in Belize.

For this goal what we have to do is basically campus fishing, 1:1 and Daily bread prayer, Sunday worship services. M. Sarah tried to go campus fishing every school day. By the work of the Holy Spirit in 2 weeks in January there were 14 1:1 Bible studies. We had tried to understand the mentality of the Belizeans who kept breaking promises. Were they cultural Christians or have slave mentality? But whatever problems they might have, when the Holy Spirit works the problems disappeared. In February M. Moses could attend Latin American Directors Conference by the grace of God. He was greatly encouraged by reports and testimonies and messages, “I am not ashamed of the gospel” (Ro. 1:16) “Live by the Spirit” (Gal. 5:16). All prayed for Latin American International Bible Conferences. Belize prayed for six people to attend the Mexico Conference. While M. Moses was struggling with theology study and Sunday messages, M. Sarah taught 1:1 faithfully. Richard was faithful and eager. He had 30 names he was praying for. We wanted to invite him and his friends to Mexico Conference. But when we had to give names who would attend, there were no one sure except three coworkers. Landry came as a short term missionary and presided over Sunday Worship Services, invited students 1:1, and helped us in this time. By the grace of God Alex opened his heart to attend and Kellie decided to go. Rodrigo who was depressed after trying drugs with friends did not talk to anyone including his family members, but when M. Sarah asked him if he wants to go to the conference, he opened his heart and said, “Yes “ In this way six of us could attend the conference. We learned that God answers our prayers in his own ways. We were greatly encouraged by seeing the great work of God and receiving the word of God. We pray even Belize can be a missionary sending nation.

In the fall semester M. Sarah continued 1:1 faithfully. Some stopped and some new students came. Sylvia and Kellie finished Genesis showing their faithfulness. Rodrigo came to our house church every weekend to avoid bad influence. He began to preside over Sunday worship service. He was admitted to UB and is going to study business management.

By the grace of God we have a wonderful Christmas worship service. We put up the sign “The Sign in a Manger” and heard the message from Luke 2:1-14. We could see the sign of the Savior King when we have baby Jesus among us though we are like a manger. Sylvia prepared food and sang “O Holy Night” and Kellie shared a testimony, Rodrigo presided. Kimisha, Immanuel, Rufus, Abimbola and Anna attended.

We thank God for his grace and faithfulness. God protected us from Hurricane Richard, a few small accidents, and from increasing crimes. God is using even us for his world campus mission. God blessed us with the life giving words through Luke’s Gospel to learn Jesus who is the good shepherd who came to find the lost.

II. 2011 Prayer topics

God blessed our 1:1 ministry in 2010. We want to continue to grow and build up on the foundation of the words of God. We want to obey Jesus command in Matthew 28:19, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” Jesus disciples succeeded Jesus Gospel mission, and with the power of the Holy Spirit preached the gospel to the whole world. Without disciples one’s ministry cannot survive. With disciples of Jesus, there is great hope for the gospel ministry to prosper. We pray for the prosperous new year in the gospel ministry in Belize through raising up Jesus’ disciples by baptizing them and teaching them to obey Jesus and believing that Risen Jesus is with us as he promised.

Prayer topics:

1. Abraham and Sarah of faith for Belize Campus mission.
2. To double 1:1 (18) and Sunday worship attendants (8).
3. Co-working in Christ to make a Holy Vessel and be a blessing.
4. M. Moses Sunday messages to be powerful with help of the Holy Spirit.
5. To have Belize Summer Bible Conference and 2 fellowships.
6. To maintain good health by the grace of God.

One word: Make disciples
