Paraguay Mission Report by Maria Lee

  • by WMD
  • Feb 18, 2011
  • 865 reads

Come Over to Paraguay and Help Us

Acts 16:9, "Then Paul had a vision at night of a man of Macedonia, standing and asking:  “Come over to Macedonia and help us!”

The year 2007 was very special for me. In the beginning, I had to be hospitalized for dengue. Then afterward because of being shot by an assailant, I had to be hospitalized again. Everyone was surprised. Then I got cancer of the blood. Since then I have had to be in and out of the hospital during 2 and half years. But this became a time to reflect on my life by the grace of God. In the time of suffering, God’s servants in Chicago and around the world prayed for me and helped us financially. God heard their prayers and cured me of cancer and helped me to recover my health. Not only this, but by the grace of God, our two sons formed house churches by the grace of God in two weeks. As the word Romans 8:28 says, we experienced that everything turns out for the good of those who are called by God. I am a great debtor to God and to all of you who prayed for me. I want to dedicate my life newly to God and to the work of world mission.

Now in Paraguay, there are two families: Msn. Andrew and Msn. Juan Hwang. Also, even though they are weak, there are two leaders, Shep. Oscar and Sheps. Rocio.

When I returned to Paraguay in June after 2 and half years of absence, I felt that I was away from my native home. The missionaries received me with joy and all neighbors greeted me happily. One woman even had held a funeral ceremony for me thinking that I had died. The two leaders who were not keeping WS began to participate again. Shep. Oscar was raised as a messenger for the Bolivia conference. I also served the team of missionaries that came to see the Iguasu falls. God prepared for my wife, Msn. Maria, a job as a general director for the Paraguay School. If I were in Korea, I would be of the age to retire. But in PY, the brothers still need me and are saying to me: Please come over to Paraguay and help us! So I decided to be a missionary once more to Paraguay. Afterward, God sent us some very precious sheep. BR. Eduardo is a very rare person to see in PY. He comes to the center with his own Bible and he comes on time. He accepts the word with an open heart. He is in the first year of Political Science.

BR. Richard is a third year student in Political Science. Sister Noelia is a Vet.student. He is the V.P. of the Student Council. He is always busy. But with thankful heart he studies the Bible and English. Through him others are curious about UBF. We pray that he may be a blessing.

Sister Noelia is a student in Vetinary Science. She was very thirsty and suffered from conflicts due to her parents´divorce. But through hearing the message on the Samaritan woman, she came to the center and began one to one Bible study. In the Christmas WS, she participated along with the children of M. Andres who acted in the drama along with their parents. We offered our treasures to Jesus. The family of M Andrew decided to care for the work of God moving near the center.

The work of PY is like a splintered reed and a smoldering wick. But God did not let it go out because he is the God of hope. We praise God and believe that in his time PY will be changed into a holy and priestly nation and raise up 12 disciples.

One Word: Come over to Paraguay and help us.

Prayer topis 

1. For the Sunday message by M Andrew

2. For the families of M. Andrew and M. Juan to participate in the 50th year anniversary of UBF

3.For the growing brothers Eduardo, Richard and Noelia

4.For Shep. Oscar to keep his faith

5. For M. John to be restored fully in health
