Sudan Prayer Topics Update

  • by WMD
  • Feb 21, 2011
  • 970 reads

Dear co-workers in Christ,

I would like to share what is going on in Sudan and the Sudan UBF ministry and request your prayer support.

There was always going to be a dramatic drop in media coverage and international attention after the Sudan referendum ended. The official creation of the world’s newest country will be one of the stories of the year, and people far and wide wanted to be part of history in the making. But if pulling off a smooth, peaceful vote seemed like the hard part, preparing the two would-be states for formal separation in July and adjusting to the new reality of cooperating peacefully as neighbors will require further engagement from key international partners, namely the US. There are many issues which must be solved before the separation in July.

We are praying for a smooth and peaceful transition to occur in the newly born country of South Sudan.  We are also praying for P.D. to get a North Sudan citizenship so that he can serve our ministry in Khartoum.  We are trying to sell our center in Khartoum and purchase two smaller buildings for Khartoum UBF and for Malacca UBF in South Sudan. After graduating from universities in Khartoum, many leaders could not get jobs and went down to Malacca. Also, O.M. will get his PhD in Egypt and will come back to Malacca in June and will teach at one of the universities. We are studying Samuel in Khartoum and sending Samuel Bible study material to Malacca.

The second gen, Miso, is graduating from high school this year. She applied to several colleges in Canada. She got a few acceptance letters from Alberta University and York University in Toronto. She is waiting for other schools that offer more scholarships. 

May God bless the World Mission Report and the Korea UBF 50th Anniversary Conference from May 29-June1.

In Christ, M. A. K.
